Sologub Victoria

ORCID ID 0000-0001-7346-7929

PhD (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Musical Art of the Separated Subdivision «Mykolayiv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts»,
17 Dekabristov Str., 54000 Mykolaiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.7884


The purpose of the research is to highlight the role of inclusive education in higher art educational institutions of Ukraine. The realization of this goal implies attention to the issue of introducing music education for people with special needs, ways of improving the educational process and its facilitation. The methodology of the research is connected with the use of methods of analysis and synthesis, thanks to which the actual problematic aspects that are available in this field are highlighted. The task of the study is to highlight the specifics of working with students in the class by specialty (using the example of mastering the art of playing the classical guitar). Thanks to the practice of working with students who have visual problems, the author of the article singles out the innovative algorithm for learning the music text and further work with the works. It is proposed to actively involve various programs related to typing notation text, recording audio files, processing them and modifying them. The scientific novelty consists in synthesizing practical conclusions obtained by the author in the course of teaching activities. A number of problem aspects and algorithms for their solution are singled out. The importance of learning a musical material with a teacher is emphasized, especially when it comes to persons with special abilities - visual impairments. Existing software, for example Finale, Sibelius and other music editors provide the ability to change the typed music text, its slowdown, and solfeging. Although this innovation is not capable of becoming a complete substitute for a nocturnal text, typed in Braille, it becomes a good alternative. In modern art education there are a number of problematic moments. First of all, despite the fact that the issue of introducing inclusive education in the Ukrainian space has been actualized, the practical implementation of this task involves a number of difficulties. Development and musical education in the guitar class by specialty involves the introduction of computer equipment and technically computer equipment during classes, which will simplify the process of learning and the subsequent reproduction of a musical text.

Key words: computer programs; guitar; higher education institution; inclusive education; musical editors. 

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