Mykhailiuk Hanna
ORCID iD 0000-0002-4734-703
PhD (Philology), Senior Lecturer at the Oriental Languages and Translation Department, Institute of Philology, Kyiv Borys Grinchenko University,
13-b Tymoshenko Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.7077
The article represents basic psychological, psycholinguistic and methodological background of development of the online course for teaching basic Japanese dialogue and monologue. The mentioned prerequisites are to be seen in close relation to the modern tendencies of foreign language teaching. The role of modern teacher as a representer of the teaching process as well as facilitator of the studying process itself is also described. Basic factors that influence the process of forming communicative competence in Japanese language are presented. Thus, among methodological background the process of organizing studying by teacher, the individualization principles in teaching are mentioned. The individual styles of learning, as well as individual strategies are presented as essential psychological prerequisites of the studying process. The psycholinguistic process of getting the new information is presented as one of the factors of forming the communicative competence in speaking. Based on the mentioned factors, the online course for teaching basic Japanese dialogical and monological speech is described. The course is being at the process of development. The article deals with its basic steps of studying. Some practical aspects of the future course usage are shown. The course includes three basic steps, which present the whole process from getting sample phrases and text till presenting fluent self-made dialogues and speeches in Japanese. The first step presents video materials and printed materials where students get the information on the phrase level. The video component of the course allows saving the auditory time by doing a big amount of work online. The second step presents authorial dialogues in video and printed form. Together with the basic structure needed to present the dialogue students are given some extra information of cross cultural character. The aim of the step is to present self-made dialogues by students. The third step suggests work on the speech level. The purpose of the last step lies in creating authorial students` speeches based on the given material. The course presents a complex system of online and printed materials which, together with the teacher`s work in class, enable fast development of speaking skills. Furthermore, the perspectives of the future usage of the course are laid as a base for its practical development.
Key words: facilitator; Japanese dialogical and monological speech studying; Japanese language; online course; teacher`s role in the studying process; theoretical and practical background of forming communicative competence.
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