Nazarenko Iryna
ORCID iD 0000-0002-7919-7939
Post-Graduate Student, Department of English for Engineering, Faculty of Linguistics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»,
37 Peremohy Ave, 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.5259
This article draws attention to the importance of English language speaking competence mastery for future software engineers; some arguments in support are being well-grounded. The author offers analysis of existing scientific works of different scientists, who faced similar pedagogical problems and summarizes their findings. The article has its purpose to study possible pedagogical ways to improve English learning results among this category of students, by analyzing psychological features of these students’ category and developing own pedagogical recommendations. With the purpose to raise effectiveness on the way to form professional English language speaking competence of future software engineers, some age peculiarities of these students are being analyzed. The possible ways to apply these findings in the learning process are being discussed. The author gives detailed analyses of psychological features and the outlook of the students, studies professional features of programmers. The author comes out with personally developed pedagogical ways to use some of characteristic features of these students’ category, each of which, having its positive side, can be applied in favour of the learning process. Some recommendations to be applied in the process of forming professional English language speaking competence of future software engineers are systematized in a table. Among them are: the wide use of schematically represented matters, the extended use of self-evaluation and interpersonal evaluation among students, the advice to involve students in a wider range of group activities, including games, projects etc., encourage students’ introspection, the necessity of getting students acquainted with some aspects of the theory of communication, among which are the secrets of effective communication, etc. The important task is to induce students to acquire a number of personal learning strategies and apply them in the process of mastering English language speaking competence.
Key words: characteristic features; future software engineers; pedagogical influence; professional English language speaking competence; psychological features of students.
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