Stebljuk Svitlana

ORCID iD 0000-0002-2827-6805

PhD (Pedagogy), Mukachevo Cooperative Trade and Economic College,
40 Ya. Mudrogo Str., 89600 Mukachevo, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.4551


The article deals with the specifics of the training of future specialists in entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities in multy-degree system of education. The research on the identified problem is found out in the areas of: professional pedagogy, competency approach in the educational process; professional competence of future specialists of economic direction, including entrepreneurship; multy-degree system of education. The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the training of future specialists in entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities based on the volumes of educational programs under conditions of multy-degree system of education. Objective: to find out the requirements of the Standard of Higher Education in specialty 076; to disclose the content of educational programs at the educational qualification level «junior specialist», educational degrees «bachelor», «master»; to submit proposals for the improvement of educational programs according to the specialty. The theoretical and practical training in the college is analyzed, in accordance with the Standard of higher education of Ukraine, the competence, which should be possessed by experts: integral, general, special. The author analyzes the content of educational programs, the share of disciplines of professional training, practical training at college and university. It is determined that the specialty of specialist training under the «Master» program is that it provides for the provision of fundamental scientific and methodological and applied knowledge of economic processes and regularities of the functioning and development of a trading company, organization of trade and exchange activities; realization of commoditymarketing and commercial tasks concerning the assortment and quality of goods; making operative decisions within the limits of its competence concerning preservation of the quality of goods in the process of commodity turnover; evaluation of the quality of the main groups of goods in market conditions, taking into account the current legislative framework. Proposals for improvement of educational programs according to the specialty are submitted. In particular, an increase in the number of credits for practical training on the educational level of «bachelor», as in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» it is a completed course in the training of a future specialist; the introduction into the educational program of the Master’s degree in credit for psychological and pedagogical training, respectively, the availability of pedagogical practice that will provide pedagogical activities in educational institutions.

Key words: educational degree; educational program; theoretical and practical training; professional competence; multy-degree system of education.

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