Haliuka Olha
ORCID iD 0000-0001-6257-6118
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
1 Universytetska Str., 79000 Lviv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.2936
The article shows the theoretical analysis of social problems of the teacher’s mobility. The thesis is devoted to the thorough theoretical analysis of the concept of «social mobility». The main approaches to the interpretation of the social mobility content are generalized: philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical. Mobility from a philosophical point of view shows the determinants of professional development and the formation of a professionally successful person. Sociology considers mobility through the prism of social roles and a personal characteristic of the response to changes in a particular area of life. The psychological approach treats mobility in the context of the formation of selfconsciousness, self-realization of personality. Mobility in pedagogy focuses on the active, creative role of both learners and those who teach, as well as the actions of the individual in terms of self-improvement and self-development. The features of social mobility are identified and characterized: cognitive, professional-organizational, personal, and motivational. The characteristics of such varieties of mobility as «social», «vertical», «horizontal», etc. are proposed. The content of the concepts «pedagogical mobility», «professional mobility» is defined, the characteristic features of these definitions are indicated and the ways of their formation are outlined among teachers. Characterized indicators of formation of preparedness for professional mobility of a teacher. Also, the theoretical analysis of approaches to the interpretation of the content of social mobility made it possible to determine that social mobility serves as a source of positive changes in the political and economic life of the country, it allows to initiate individual individuals and people in general to improve conditions and increase the range of life. In education - this is the process of rapid adaptation and personality development, which «pushes» to the creation of qualitatively new forms and methods of realizing the potential, it is necessary topical characteristic of the teacher of the modern world.
Key words: mobility; pedagogical mobility; professional mobility; social mobility; teacher.
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