Gorshkova Galyna

ORCID iD 0000-0002-2666-7925

Post-Graduate Student, Zaporizhzhia national university,
66 Zhukovsky Str., 69600 Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.113119


The article analyzes the training of future speech therapists in universities of Russia, Kazakhstan, the USA, Great Britain, Australia, Canada. It is emphasized that the training of future speech therapists in Russia and Kazakhstan belongs to the field of pedagogy, while in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada in the field of medicine. It affects the content of the training of future speech therapists. In these countries, students study first at undergraduate, then in the magistracy. Only graduate of the magistracy gets the opportunity to work as a speech therapist. The article also defines the notion of «professional training», «future speech therapist», «adapted physical exercises». The data of scientists from different countries on the connection of motor and speech activity is given. The necessity of influence on speech activity with the help of adapted physical exercises is determined. In order to study the foreign experience of the training of future speech therapists in higher education institutions, the use of adapted physical exercises in Russia, Kazakhstan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, were reviewed lists of academic disciplines in the universities of these countries. Having analyzed the study programs at the universities of Russia, Kazakhstan, the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, we arrive at the conclusion that a separate discipline or discipline focused on the use of adapted physical exercises by future speech therapists, in our interpretation, for the professional training of future speech therapists in the universities of these countries at the time of our study we were not found. In connection with this, the experience of the training of future speech therapists to the use of adapted physical exercises at universities in Russia, Kazakhstan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada at the time of our study, we have not found. This is the basis for forming the content of a separate discipline and formulating the content of disciplines focused on the use of adapted physical exercises by future speech therapists in future professional activities, the accumulation of experience and the possibility of future provision of this experience to improve the quality of the training of future speech therapists.

Key words: adapted physical exercises; future speech therapists; vocational training.

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