Krystopchuk Tatiana

ORCID iD 0000-0002-0104-9901

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Professor of Social Sciences Department, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering,
11 Soborna Str., 33000 Rivne, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.106112


The article analyzes the standards of professional training of specialists in the countries of the European Union. The models and structure of professional future teachers training in France are described. The stages of professional training of specialists, in particular, secondary school teachers in France, are highlighted: a stage of general university training; a stage of professional training combined with theoretical classes; a stage of professional training, which includes didactic training and pedagogical internship; a stage of continuing education that provides opportunities for further training and self-improvement. A description of the standards for teacher training in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is presented. It is noted that the most common model for future teacher training in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the parallel model. The program of the parallel model includes the following sections for the future teacher training: general (basic) courses (compulsory for all applicants of education); psychological and pedagogical cycle of disciplines (studying of these disciplines is supplemented by various types of pedagogical practice); one or two subject courses; professional courses. It is determined the skills that a teacher must possess in accordance with the National Standard of a qualified teacher, in particular, the ability to plan and determine the strategic objectives of training for all class students; the ability to determine the requirements for the student’s learning outcomes; the ability to find the methods and content of the students’ learning activities according to their level; the ability to take into account different cultural, national, ethnic, religious, gender, other characteristics and needs of students; the ability to work in a team; the ability to work with parents; the ability to plan students’ extracurricular activities. It is mentioned that the national standard of a qualified teacher of England and Wales contains of three sections: professional values in the teacher’s activity (Professional Values and Practice); Knowledge and Understanding; Teaching. The main content of the teacher training program in Ireland is considered.

Key words: models of pedagogical education; national standard; pedagogical activity; professional standard; structure of professional training; teacher education; vocational training.

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