1-2, 2019

DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2




Sysoieva Svitlana



Dichek Nataliya



Haliuka Olha




Stechenko Olena, Melnyk Volodymyr



Stebljuk Svitlana



Nazarenko Iryna



Synekop Oksana



Mykhailiuk Hanna



Sologub Victoria



Alokhin Mykhailo



Karamysheva Olga





Vlasova Inna




Krystopchuk Tatiana



Gorshkova Galyna


 Sysoieva Svitlana

ORCID iD 0000-0003-2499-732X

Doctor of Science (Pedagogy), Professor, Academician of the NAES of Ukraine, Academician-Secretary of the Department of General Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education, the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-A Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.714


The article deals with the essence and content of the concept of general pedagogy in the context of itscorrelation with the multiplicity of knowledge about education, its development and improvement of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of modern pedagogical research. It has been emphasized that general pedagogy is understood as science and as a scientific discipline, and the definition of general pedagogy, as a rule, includes both aspects. The article concludes that general pedagogy is the core of pedagogical science; it forms its basis, which at the substantive-essential level distinguishes pedagogical science from all other branches of scientific knowledge. General pedagogy studies and discloses key pedagogical categories, notions, concepts, paradigms, approaches, laws, patterns, principles according to which any pedagogical phenomenon or pedagogical process are opened out, develops a methodology for building pedagogical science and conducting pedagogical research, methods and methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of pedagogical phenomena and processes, criteria of the scientific and pedagogical activity effectiveness, analysis of general pedagogical and philosophical doctrines. The actual problems of general pedagogy are the methodology of pedagogical research, problems of the upbringing and socialization of children and youth, history of pedagogy, comparative pedagogy, problems of managing educational institutions and strategies for their development. The modernity of the solution of the indicated problems is determined by the completeness of the account of the conditions in which people find themselves today: the globalized world, technological challenges, expansion of the media space and its impact on human consciousness, a crisis of values, problems of intercultural communication, and the like. The study of these complex problems requires a new methodology of pedagogical research at the level of multi- and interdisciplinarity. The development of such a methodology is an urgent need for modern pedagogical science and practice.

Key words: education; general pedagogy; methodology; scientific terminology; upbringing.


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Dichek Nataliya
ORCID iD 0000-0002-2185-3630

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Head of the Department of History and Philosophy of Education, Institute of Pedagogy, the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-D Sichovih Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.1528


The article highlights the leading ideas of Ukrainian scientists – philosophers, psychologists, educators – about the ways of individualization of education in the period of its reforming on a humanistic basis (1991-2014). The provisions of the personality-oriented paradigm of education, genetic psychology, psychology of creativity, approaches to the education of gifted children are reflected. It was substantiated that since the mid-1990s, education and upbringing in the Ukrainian school began to modernize in the spirit of the new post-non-classical education model. According to it declared, it wasn’t the acquisition of a person’s amount of knowledge that was recognized as a value, but the development of person’s potential and capabilities, the process of its creative self-actualization and self-realization, that is, the personalityoriented model of school education, the value of school education. It is shown that Ukrainian scientists in their studies substantiated the humanistic paradigm of subjectivity. It is shown that V. Kremen as the President of the National Academy of Education of Ukraine develops the paradigm of human centeredness in the context of the synergy of the value-cognitive meanings of the educational process and in the context of the actual philosophical problem of «complexity». The post-non-classical Ukrainian system of education is approved based on its informatization and computerization, and the development of the individual is largely based on the possibilities of the information space. However, the methodology of the activity approach remained in the study of the personality of the student. Ukrainian scientists created the basis for the study of the students’ psyche not as a combination of individual mental functions and cognitive parameters, which is characteristic of functional and cognitive psychology, but as an integrity with all the individual characteristics and manifestations that the person as a subject develops, organizes and controls.

Key words: activity paradigm; creative development; individual approach; giftedness; personally oriented education; post-non-classical model of education

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Haliuka Olha

ORCID iD 0000-0001-6257-6118

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
1 Universytetska Str., 79000 Lviv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.2936

The article shows the theoretical analysis of social problems of the teacher’s mobility. The thesis is devoted to the thorough theoretical analysis of the concept of «social mobility». The main approaches to the interpretation of the social mobility content are generalized: philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical. Mobility from a philosophical point of view shows the determinants of professional development and the formation of a professionally successful person. Sociology considers mobility through the prism of social roles and a personal characteristic of the response to changes in a particular area of life. The psychological approach treats mobility in the context of the formation of selfconsciousness, self-realization of personality. Mobility in pedagogy focuses on the active, creative role of both learners and those who teach, as well as the actions of the individual in terms of self-improvement and self-development. The features of social mobility are identified and characterized: cognitive, professional-organizational, personal, and motivational. The characteristics of such varieties of mobility as «social», «vertical», «horizontal», etc. are proposed. The content of the concepts «pedagogical mobility», «professional mobility» is defined, the characteristic features of these definitions are indicated and the ways of their formation are outlined among teachers. Characterized indicators of formation of preparedness for professional mobility of a teacher. Also, the theoretical analysis of approaches to the interpretation of the content of social mobility made it possible to determine that social mobility serves as a source of positive changes in the political and economic life of the country, it allows to initiate individual individuals and people in general to improve conditions and increase the range of life. In education - this is the process of rapid adaptation and personality development, which «pushes» to the creation of qualitatively new forms and methods of realizing the potential, it is necessary topical characteristic of the teacher of the modern world.

Key words: mobility; pedagogical mobility; professional mobility; social mobility; teacher.

Brizhak, N. (2016). Profesiyna mobilnist yak fakhova yakist maybutnioho vchytelya [Professional mobility as a professional quality of a future teacher]. Pedahohika. Sotsial’na. Naukovyy visnyk Uzhhorodskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Uzhhorod, Ukraine: Vydavnytstvo UzhNU «Hoverla», 1 (38), 67–70 (ukr).

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Stechenko Olena

ORCID iD 0000-0001-7899-0153

PhD (Chemistry), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry, Bogomolets National Medical University,
13 T. Shevchenko Blvd., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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Melnyk Volodymyr

ORCID iD 0000-0003-4645-8239

Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine № 1, Bogomolets National Medical University, 13 T. Shevchenko Blvd., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.3744


The versatility of the internal university quality management system (QMS), based on the principles of TQM, provides not only continuous improvement of all processes of a modern higher educational institution. In the Bogomolets National Medical University it has become a link uniting the efforts of administration, faculty and student community on the way to updating and harmonizing the expectations of the society and the results of the training of future physicians. The process of forming students’ contingent is one of the essential elements of QMS. Particular attention to the terms of selection of university entrants determines the level of success of their academic performance, and a scientifically sound approach to the results of EIE at the entrance to university makes it possible to predict the results of internal and external evaluation. Basing on the comparative analysis, the informative value of the indicators of the EIE certificates of the Bogomolets National Medical University entrants has been established in order to predict the success of licensing integrated examinations «Krok 1» and «Krok 2» as the elements of external evaluation within the attestation of medical faculties graduates. Informativity of an EIE-indicator of three competitive subjects at level <150 points does not exceed the following for the EIE-indicator of biology, but the proportion of such students among the contingent was 5,4 times higher. The introduction of a limit for a minimum EIE-certificate score is one of the most effective tools of “contingent selection”. It will enhance the quality of training medical students according to the requests and expectations of all stakeholders. Guided by the obtained results, in 2017, the NMU introduced a limit of 140 points for the biology EIE-certificates, and in 2018 - a limit of 150 points for three competitive subjects.

Key words: formation of students’ contingent; internal university quality management system; learning success

Batechko, N., Lut, M. (2018). Systema menedjmentu yakosti vyschoi osvity: metodologichnyi aspect [Higher education quality management system: a methodological aspect]. Osvitologia, 7, 145–151. DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2018.7.145151 (ukr).

Hryshchuk, Yu. (2018). Systema vnutrishn’ogo zabezpechenn’a yakosti vyschoi osvity: dosvid Respubliky Pol’shcha [Internal quality assurance system of higher education: experience of the Republic of Poland]. Osvitologia, 7, 152–156. DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2018.7.152156 (ukr).

Ivanitska, O., Panchenko, A., Panchenko, G. (2017). Social’na vidpovidal’nist’ vyschogo navchal’nogo zakladu Ukrainy ta osnovni umovy ii dotrymannia [Social responsibility of higher educational institution and terms of its compliance in Ukraine]. Pedagogichnyi process: teoria i praktyka (seria: Pedagogika), 4 (59), 40–44. DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2017.4.4044 (ukr).

Linchevskyi, O. V., Chernenko, V. M., Piatnytskyi, Yu. S., Bulakh, I. Ye. (2017). Shliahy reformuvannia systemy vyschoi medychnoi osvity v Ukraini v suchasnyh umovah [The ways of higher medical education system reforming in Ukraine in the modern context]. Medychna osvita, 3, 6–9 (ukr).

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Stebljuk Svitlana

ORCID iD 0000-0002-2827-6805

PhD (Pedagogy), Mukachevo Cooperative Trade and Economic College,
40 Ya. Mudrogo Str., 89600 Mukachevo, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.4551


The article deals with the specifics of the training of future specialists in entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities in multy-degree system of education. The research on the identified problem is found out in the areas of: professional pedagogy, competency approach in the educational process; professional competence of future specialists of economic direction, including entrepreneurship; multy-degree system of education. The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the training of future specialists in entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities based on the volumes of educational programs under conditions of multy-degree system of education. Objective: to find out the requirements of the Standard of Higher Education in specialty 076; to disclose the content of educational programs at the educational qualification level «junior specialist», educational degrees «bachelor», «master»; to submit proposals for the improvement of educational programs according to the specialty. The theoretical and practical training in the college is analyzed, in accordance with the Standard of higher education of Ukraine, the competence, which should be possessed by experts: integral, general, special. The author analyzes the content of educational programs, the share of disciplines of professional training, practical training at college and university. It is determined that the specialty of specialist training under the «Master» program is that it provides for the provision of fundamental scientific and methodological and applied knowledge of economic processes and regularities of the functioning and development of a trading company, organization of trade and exchange activities; realization of commoditymarketing and commercial tasks concerning the assortment and quality of goods; making operative decisions within the limits of its competence concerning preservation of the quality of goods in the process of commodity turnover; evaluation of the quality of the main groups of goods in market conditions, taking into account the current legislative framework. Proposals for improvement of educational programs according to the specialty are submitted. In particular, an increase in the number of credits for practical training on the educational level of «bachelor», as in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» it is a completed course in the training of a future specialist; the introduction into the educational program of the Master’s degree in credit for psychological and pedagogical training, respectively, the availability of pedagogical practice that will provide pedagogical activities in educational institutions.

Key words: educational degree; educational program; theoretical and practical training; professional competence; multy-degree system of education.

Osvitno-profesijna programa «Tovaroznavstvo i torgovelne pidpryyemnycztvo». Pershogo (bakalavrskogo) rivnya vyshhoyi osvity za specialnistyu 076 «Pidpryyemnycztvo, torgivlya ta birzhova diyalnist» galuzi znan 07 «Upravlinnya ta administruvannya». Kvalifikaciya: bakalavr z tovaroznavstva i torgovelnogo pidpryyemnycztva (2017). [Educational and professional program «Commodity and trade entrepreneurship». The first (bachelor) level of higher education in the specialty 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and stock activities» of the field of knowledge 07 «Management and administration». Qualification: Bachelor of Commodity Studies and Trade Entrepreneurship]. Lviv, Ukraine. Retrieved from http:// www.lute.lviv.ua/osvita/osvitno-profesiini-programi/opp-bakalavra/ (ukr).

Osvitno-profesijna programa «Tovaroznavstvo i torgovelne pidpryyemnycztvo». Pershogo (bakalavrskogo) rivnya vyshhoyi osvity za specialnistyu 076 «Pidpryyemnycztvo, torgivlya ta birzhova diyalnist» galuzi znan` 07 «Upravlinnya ta administruvannya». Kvalifikaciya: bakalavr z tovaroznavstva ta ekspertyzy v mytnij spravi (2017). [Educational and professional program «Commodity and trade entrepreneurship». The first (bachelor) level of higher education in the specialty 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and stock activities» of the field of knowledge 07 «Management and administration». Qualification: Bachelor of Commodity Studies and Customs Examination]. Lviv, Ukraine. Retrieved from http://www.lute.lviv. ua/osvita/osvitno-profesiini-programi/opp-bakalavra/(ukr).

Osvitno-profesijna programa «Tovaroznavstvo i torgovelne pidpryyemnycztvo». Drugogo (magisterskogo) rivnya vyshhoyi osvity za specialnistyu 076 «Pidpryyemnycztvo, torgivlya ta birzhova diyalnist» galuzi znan 07 «Upravlinnya ta administruvannya». Kvalifikaciya: magistr z tovaroznavstva ta komercijnoyi diyalnosti (2017). [Educational and professional program «Commodity and trade entrepreneurship». The second (master’s) level of higher education by specialty 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and stocktaking activities» of the field of knowledge 07 «Management and administration». Qualification: Master in Commodity Studies and Business]. Lviv, Ukraine. Retrieved from http: //www.lute.lviv.ua/ fileadmin/www.lac.lviv.ua/data/ Academy/Osvita/OPP_Magistr/2017/076_Tov-vo_i_komer_dijalnist. pdf (ukr).

Polozhennya pro provedennya praktyky studentiv Mukachivskogo kooperatyvnogo torgovelno-ekonomichnogo koledzhu [Regulations on the practice of students of the Mukachevo cooperative trade and economic college] (2017). Mukachevo, Ukraine (ukr).

Polozhennya pro provedennya praktyky studentiv Mukachivskogo kooperatyvnogo torgovelno-ekonomichnogo koledzhu (zi zminamy ta dopovnennyamy) [Regulations on the practice of students of the Mukachevo cooperative trade and economic college] (2018). Mukachevo,Ukraine (ukr).

Pshenychna, L. (2013). Osoblyvosti rozvytku systemy vyshhoyi osvity Ukrayiny v konteksti suspilstva znan [Features of development of system of higher educationin Ukraine in the context of society of knowledge]. Vitoki pedagogichnoyi majsternosti, 11, 278–284 (ukr).

Specialnosti: Mukachivskyj kooperatyvnyj torgovelno-ekonomichnyj koledzh [Specialties: Mukachevo Cooperative Trade and Economics College]. Retrieved from http://www.mktek.com.ua/ (ukr).

Standart vyshhoyi osvity Ukrayiny riven vyshhoyi osvity: Pershyj (bakalavrskyj) riven Galuz znan: 07 «Upravlinnya ta administruvannya» Specialnist: 076 «Pidpryyemnycztvo, torgivlya ta birzhova diyalnist». Nakaz Ministerstva osvity i nauky Ukrayiny 13.11.2018. № 1243. [Higher education standard of Ukraine Higher education level: First level (Bachelor level) Branch of knowledge: 07 «Management and administration» Specialty: 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and stock-taking activity». Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated November 13, 2018 № 1243]. Retrieved from https://mon. gov.ua/storage/app/media/vishcha-osvita/zatverdzeni%20standarty/12/21/076-pidpriemnitstvotorgivlya-ta-birzhova-diyalnist-bakalavr.pdf(ukr).

Furman, T. Y. (2012). Formuvannya profesijnoyi kompetentnosti u majbutnix faxivciv ekonomiky ta v procesi vyvchennya ekonomichnyx dyscyplin [Formation of professional competence of future specialists of economics and enterprise in the process of learning of economic disciplines]:Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 13.00.04 – theory and methodology of professional education.Kyiv, Ukraine(ukr).

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Nazarenko Iryna

ORCID iD 0000-0002-7919-7939

Post-Graduate Student, Department of English for Engineering, Faculty of Linguistics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»,
37 Peremohy Ave, 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.5259


This article draws attention to the importance of English language speaking competence mastery for future software engineers; some arguments in support are being well-grounded. The author offers analysis of existing scientific works of different scientists, who faced similar pedagogical problems and summarizes their findings. The article has its purpose to study possible pedagogical ways to improve English learning results among this category of students, by analyzing psychological features of these students’ category and developing own pedagogical recommendations. With the purpose to raise effectiveness on the way to form professional English language speaking competence of future software engineers, some age peculiarities of these students are being analyzed. The possible ways to apply these findings in the learning process are being discussed. The author gives detailed analyses of psychological features and the outlook of the students, studies professional features of programmers. The author comes out with personally developed pedagogical ways to use some of characteristic features of these students’ category, each of which, having its positive side, can be applied in favour of the learning process. Some recommendations to be applied in the process of forming professional English language speaking competence of future software engineers are systematized in a table. Among them are: the wide use of schematically represented matters, the extended use of self-evaluation and interpersonal evaluation among students, the advice to involve students in a wider range of group activities, including games, projects etc., encourage students’ introspection, the necessity of getting students acquainted with some aspects of the theory of communication, among which are the secrets of effective communication, etc. The important task is to induce students to acquire a number of personal learning strategies and apply them in the process of mastering English language speaking competence.

Key words: characteristic features; future software engineers; pedagogical influence; professional English language speaking competence; psychological features of students.


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Moroz, Y. N. (1999). Obuchenye anglyjskomu jazyku studentov-programmystov [Teaching English language to students of programming specialization]: Candidate’s thesis: 13.00.02. Moskow, Russia (rus).

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Synekop Oksana

ORCID iD 0000-00016191-6264

PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of English for Engineering, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»,
37 Peremohy Ave, 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.6069


 In the article the features of the assessment in differentiated instruction of English professional communication to the future IT specialists with different levels of foreign language proficiency and various learning styles are considered. Types and forms of control in differentiated instruction are characterized. Receptive, reproductive and productive ways of control are highlighted. The described two-stage model of assessment with partial involvement of adaptive testing includes: enter testing, which allows teachers differentiate students according to the levels of foreign language proficiency and learning styles; progressive adaptive testing, which is implemented in the zone of proximal development, helps to identify individual and group achievement points and needs to optimize test materials to meet students’ current needs; the final testing, which defines the level of foreign language proficiency at the end of the course. It is proposed to implement progressive adaptive testing by using mechanisms of adaptation, expansion and complication, improvement. Adaptive mechanism involves the effect of adapting to individual characteristics, based on the level of foreign language proficiency in the enter testing and a dominant learning style. The mechanism of expansion and complication aims at shifting the emphasis in the learning style of the students (not dominant learning styles), increasing the complexity of tasks for students providing them by various supports. The mechanism of improvement is focused on variations of learning styles, the development of English-language skills, as well as the wide usage of assessment strategies. The criteria for the complexity of the test task are analysed.

Key words: assessment; differentiated instruction; English professional communication; future IT specialists; learning style; level of foreign language proficiency

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Norris, J. M., Brown, J. D., Hudson, T. D., & Bonk, W. (2002). Examinee abilities and task difficulty in task-based second language performance assessment. Language Testing, 19 (4), 395–418. DOI: 10.1191/0265532202lt237oa (eng).

Skehan, P. (1996). A Framework for the Implementation of Task-based Instruction. Applied Linguistics, 17 (1), 38–62. DOI: 10.1093/applin/17.1.38 (eng).

Tomlinson, C. A., Moon, T. R., Imbeau, M. B. (2013). Assessment and Student Success in a Differentiated Classroom. Alexandria, VA, USA: ASCD (eng).

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Mykhailiuk Hanna

ORCID iD 0000-0002-4734-703

PhD (Philology), Senior Lecturer at the Oriental Languages and Translation Department, Institute of Philology, Kyiv Borys Grinchenko University,
13-b Tymoshenko Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.7077


The article represents basic psychological, psycholinguistic and methodological background of development of the online course for teaching basic Japanese dialogue and monologue. The mentioned prerequisites are to be seen in close relation to the modern tendencies of foreign language teaching. The role of modern teacher as a representer of the teaching process as well as facilitator of the studying process itself is also described. Basic factors that influence the process of forming communicative competence in Japanese language are presented. Thus, among methodological background the process of organizing studying by teacher, the individualization principles in teaching are mentioned. The individual styles of learning, as well as individual strategies are presented as essential psychological prerequisites of the studying process. The psycholinguistic process of getting the new information is presented as one of the factors of forming the communicative competence in speaking. Based on the mentioned factors, the online course for teaching basic Japanese dialogical and monological speech is described. The course is being at the process of development. The article deals with its basic steps of studying. Some practical aspects of the future course usage are shown. The course includes three basic steps, which present the whole process from getting sample phrases and text till presenting fluent self-made dialogues and speeches in Japanese. The first step presents video materials and printed materials where students get the information on the phrase level. The video component of the course allows saving the auditory time by doing a big amount of work online. The second step presents authorial dialogues in video and printed form. Together with the basic structure needed to present the dialogue students are given some extra information of cross cultural character. The aim of the step is to present self-made dialogues by students. The third step suggests work on the speech level. The purpose of the last step lies in creating authorial students` speeches based on the given material. The course presents a complex system of online and printed materials which, together with the teacher`s work in class, enable fast development of speaking skills. Furthermore, the perspectives of the future usage of the course are laid as a base for its practical development.

Key words: facilitator; Japanese dialogical and monological speech studying; Japanese language; online course; teacher`s role in the studying process; theoretical and practical background of forming communicative competence.

Azymov, E. G., Shukyn, A. N. (1999). Slovar metodycheskyh termynov [Dictionary of methodic termines]. Saint Petersburg, Russia: Zlatoust, 111–118 (rus).

Arakava, M. V. (2007). Formyrovaniye metodycheskoj kompetencyy v obuchenyy chteniyu na yaponskom yazyke u studentov starshyh kursov pedagogicheskyh vuzov [Formation of methodic competence in the process of teaching in Japanese during the work with students of higher pedagogical settings]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Saint Petersburg, Russia (rus).

Asadchyh, O. V. (2007). Metodyka navchannya studentiv movnyh specialnostej usnogo yaponskogo movlennya na pochatkovomu etapi [Methodic of teaching students of linguistic department Japanese speaking at the beginning level]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).

Golubecz, V. V. (2003) Vykorystannya testovyh zavdan dlya navchannya studentiv movlennyevyh specialnostej gramatychno pravylnogo yaponskogo movlennya [The usage of test activities for teaching the students of linguistic department grammatically correct Japanese speaking]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).

Zymnyaya, Y. A. (1999). Pedahohycheskaya psykholohyya: Uchebnyk dlya VUZov. [Pedagogical psychology: Texbook for Universities]. Moscow, Russia: Logos (rus).

Leontyev, A. A. (2007). Psykholohyya obshchenyya [Psychology of Communication]. Moscow, Russia: Smysl, Academia (rus).

Nechaeva, L. T. (2000). Nauchno-metodycheskye osnovy struktury i soderzhaniya uchebnykov yaponskoho yazyka dlya russkohovoryashchykh [Scientific-methodological base of structure and content of the Japanese language textbook for Russian speaking people]. Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis. Moscow, Russia. Retrieved from: http://www.dissercat.com/content/nauchno-metodicheskie-osnovy-struktury-isoderzhaniya-uchebnikov-yaponskogo-yazyka-dlya-russ#ixzz5MvuaqWxF (rus).

Razdorskaya, N. V. (2007). Osobennosty obuchenyya yaponskomu yazyku studentov-mezhdunarodnykov: na osnove obshchestvenno-polytycheskykh tekstov. [Peculiarities of teaching Japanese for students of international affairs department: based on texts of social and political character]. Candidate’s thesis. Moscow, Russia. Retrieved from: http://www.dissercat.com/content/osobennosti-obucheniya-yaponskomu-yazykustudentov-mezhdunarodnikov-na-osnove-obshchestvenno#ixzz5MvtIXZEa (rus).

Rubynshteyn, S. L.(1989). Osnovy obshchey psykholohyy: V 2 t. T. 1. [The base of common psychology: in 2 volumes. Vol. 1]. Moscow, Russia: Pedagogika (rus).

Brown, D. (2019). Difference Between Facilitators & Teachers. Retrieved from https://work.chron.com/ difference-between-facilitators-teachers-11510.html

Jagtap, P. (2016). Teachers role as facilitator in learning. Scholarly research journal for for humanity science and English language, 3/17, 3903–3905 (eng).

Koehn, P. H., Rosenau, J. M. (2016). Transnational competence and the skill revolution. Transnational Competence. Empowering professional curricula for horizon rising challenges, XI-XIV. London, UK: Routledge, 1–5 (eng).

Oxford, R. (1989). The Role of Styles and Strategies in Second Language Learning. ERIC Digest. Retrieved from https://www.ericdigests.org/pre-9214/styles.htm (eng).

Shoemaker, J. (2018). From Teacher to Facilitator. Retrieved from https://ramblingsofagiftedteacher. wordpress.com/2018/01/10/from-teacher-to-facilitator/.

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Sologub Victoria

ORCID ID 0000-0001-7346-7929

PhD (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Musical Art of the Separated Subdivision «Mykolayiv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts»,
17 Dekabristov Str., 54000 Mykolaiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.7884


The purpose of the research is to highlight the role of inclusive education in higher art educational institutions of Ukraine. The realization of this goal implies attention to the issue of introducing music education for people with special needs, ways of improving the educational process and its facilitation. The methodology of the research is connected with the use of methods of analysis and synthesis, thanks to which the actual problematic aspects that are available in this field are highlighted. The task of the study is to highlight the specifics of working with students in the class by specialty (using the example of mastering the art of playing the classical guitar). Thanks to the practice of working with students who have visual problems, the author of the article singles out the innovative algorithm for learning the music text and further work with the works. It is proposed to actively involve various programs related to typing notation text, recording audio files, processing them and modifying them. The scientific novelty consists in synthesizing practical conclusions obtained by the author in the course of teaching activities. A number of problem aspects and algorithms for their solution are singled out. The importance of learning a musical material with a teacher is emphasized, especially when it comes to persons with special abilities - visual impairments. Existing software, for example Finale, Sibelius and other music editors provide the ability to change the typed music text, its slowdown, and solfeging. Although this innovation is not capable of becoming a complete substitute for a nocturnal text, typed in Braille, it becomes a good alternative. In modern art education there are a number of problematic moments. First of all, despite the fact that the issue of introducing inclusive education in the Ukrainian space has been actualized, the practical implementation of this task involves a number of difficulties. Development and musical education in the guitar class by specialty involves the introduction of computer equipment and technically computer equipment during classes, which will simplify the process of learning and the subsequent reproduction of a musical text.

Key words: computer programs; guitar; higher education institution; inclusive education; musical editors. 

Bezemchuk, L. V., Chirva, A. O. (2015). Pidhotovka maybutnʹoho vchytelya muzyky do konstruyuvannya urokiv v umovakh inklyuziyi [Preparation of the future teacher of music for constructing lessons in the conditions of inclusion]. Ideyi gumannoyi pedagogiki ta suchasna sistema inklyuzivnogo navchannya: zbirnik materialiv Vseukrayinskoyi naukovo-metodichnoyi konferenciyi, prisvyachenoyi 97-richchyu vid dnya narodzhennya V. Suhomlinskogo, 29–30.09.2015. Kirovograd, Ukraine: Eksklyuziv-sistem, 39–42 (ukr).

Bulat, G., Rodica, N., Balan, V. (2016). Konceptual’naja i zakonodatel’naja baza razvitija inkljuzivnogo obrazovanija [Conceptual and legal framework of inclusive education]. In Inkljuzivnoe obrazovanie: metodicheskoe posobie dlja nepreryvnogo obuchenija didakticheskih kadrov, rabotajushhih v oblasti inkljuzivnogo obrazovanija detej (pp. 10–41). Kisinau, Moldova (rus).

Lyashenko, O. D. (2014). Inkljuzyvna mystecjka osvita: innovacijna problema XXI st. [Inclusive artistic education: an innovative problem of the XXI century]. Profesijna mistecka osvita i hudozhnya kultura: vikliki HHI stolittya: zbirnik materialiv Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktichnoyi konferenciyi, 16– 17.10.2014 r., m. Kyiv, (pp. 483–491). Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).

Melnik, Ju. V., Odinokova, N. A., Smirnov, A. A. (2013). Inkljuzivnoe obrazovanie v Rossii i za rubezhom: teorija i praktika [Inclusive education in Russia and abroad: theory and practice. Novosibirsk, Russia: Sibprint (rus).

Polichronidi, A. (2016). Specyfika profesijnoji dijaljnosti vchytelja muzyky v umovakh inkljuzyvnoji osvity [Specificity of the professional activity of the teacher of music in the conditions of inclusive education]. Molod i rynok, 8 (139), 111–114 (ukr).

Ball, N. J. M. (2017). The experiences of severely visually impaired students in higher music education. Pedagogical studies. Research Seminar. 12th May 2017. Helsinki, Finland (eng).

Burnard, P., Dillon, S. C., Rusinek, G., & Saether, E. (2008). Inclusive pedagogies in music education: A comparative study of music teachers’ perspectives from four countries. International Journal of Music Education, 26 (2), 109–126 (eng).

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Alokhin Mykhailo

ORCID iD 0000-0001-9800-0268

Deputy Director of Educational Work, Kryviy Rih Secondary School № 122,
51 D Volodymyr the Great Str., 50027 Kryvy Rih, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.8592


The article is devoted to the problem of bullying in a student’s environment of a modern school. The author generalizes that the key features of a bullying as a form of violent action are aggressive negative behavior, systematic and repetitive acts of violent actions, intentional and disproportionate forces (power) between the parties to the conflict. According to the results of a sociological survey involving 561 teachers and 1321 schoolchildren aged 14–18 from 56 schools in Kryvy Rih, it was found that 10.4% of the polled students are aware of the significant scale of oppression of peers. In order to counteract the bullying, it is necessary to develop at school three-component model of the system of harassment prevention that consists of 3 subsystems: «integral approach in management», «education and upbringing», «intersectoral partnership». An important element in building a safe space is the steps to implement a restorative approach instead of a disciplinary one in dealing with school conflicts. In a restorative approach, teachers appeal to the empathic attitude of the participants in the conflict situation to each other and to realize the role of each in it, and offenders more often recognize their guilt and are approaching reconciliation and returning to harmonious relationships. The educational tools of the educational program «Lions Quest: Social and Emotional Competencies of the 21st Century», a set of educational programs «Solving Conflicts by Peace, are extremely effective. Basic skills of mediation»; Institutions of education can be implemented electives «I solve conflicts and build peace around myself», «Learn to be citizens».

Key words: аnti-bullying technology; anti-discrimination education; bullying; empathy; social work at school; tolerance; violent behavior.

Derkach, L. M., Ghorach, L. V. (2018). Problema bulinghu ta sorom’jazlyvosti v suchasnomu ukrajinsjkomu osvitnjomu prostori: kros-kuljturnyj aspekt [The problem of bullying and shyness in the modern Ukrainian educational space: cross-cultural aspect]. Mizhnarodnij naukovij visnik, 2 (18), 48–59. DOI: 10.24144 / 2218-5348.2018.2 (18).48-59 (ukr).

Frankl, V. (1990). Chelovek v poiskah smyisla [Man in Search of Meaning]. Moskow, Russia: Progress (rus)

Koval, G. V., Alyeksyeyenko, G. O. (2016). Suchasni pidhodi do viznachennya ta klasifikaciyi bulingu v shkilnih pidlitkovih kolektivah [Modern approaches to the definition and classification of booling in school teenagers]. Naukovi praci Chornomorskogo derzhavnogo universitetu imeni Petra Mogili kompleksu «Kiyevo-Mogilyanska akademiya». Pedagogika, 269 (257), 7–11(ukr).

Kryvtsova, S. V. (2015). Travlja (bullyngh) v uchenycheskoj srede: kak ponymatj, protyvostojatj y ne bojatjsja [Harassment (bullying) in the student environment: how to understand, resist and not be afraid]. Izvestiya ASOU. Nauchnyj ezhegodnik, 2, 52–59 (rus).

Charkina, O. A. (2019). Prychyny aktualizaciji javyshh nasyljstva, bulinghu ta viktymblejminghu v suchasnomu suspiljstvi [The reasons for actualization of the phenomena of violence, boiling and vactmlemming in modern society]. Retrieved from http://kzimc.at.ua/publ/zasidannja_miskogo_ kruglogo_stolu_nasilstvo_ta_buling_pobudova_bezpechnogo_osvitnogo_prostoru / 20-1-0-4278 (ukr).

Miller, G., Miller, V., Marchel, C., Moro, R., Kaplan, B., Clark, C., & Musilli, S. (2019). Academic Violence/ Bullying: Application of Bandura’s Eight Moral Disengagement Strategies to Higher Education. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 31 (1), 47–59 (eng).

Olweus, D. (1993). Bullying at school: What we know and what we can do. New York, USA: Wiley (eng).

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Karamysheva Olga

ORCID iD 0000-0001-5328-1203

Мaster Student of Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
18/2 I. Shamo Blvd, 02000 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.9399


The article reveals the influence of the family on emotional development and formation of the emotional sphere of a child of middle preschool age. The analysis of psychological domestic and foreign literature is made. The article uses citations of researchers on this issue. This article describes the styles of family education and their characteristics, the classification of the main emotions of the child, and experimental research, which was conducted on the basis of pre-school educational institution number 455 of Kiev. Our study consisted of two stages. At the first stage, it was aimed at identifying a child’s preferred parenting style and perceiving the child as it is. At the second stage of the study, the diagnosis of the level of anxiety in children, the presence of fears and the attitude of the child to the family, family ties and places of the child in the family were conducted. The article describes the methods by which parents and their children were diagnosed; explanations and descriptions of the diagnostic results of parents and children are given. There are two methods for the diagnosis of fathers, and three for the diagnosis of children. The study was attended by twenty children of five years old and their parents. During the research, the influence of the family on the emotional development of a child of middle preschool age, the importance of emotional family relationships for harmonious development was experimentally grounded. The results of the study are documented in the text of the article in the form of drawings. According to the results of the research, conclusions have been drawn that point to the need for a more thoughtful choice of methods of education and communication with children, which will contribute to the harmonious emotional development of the child. Parents and educators are given recommendations. The prospects for further research are indicated.

Key words: emotional development; emotional sphere; emotional states; family upbringing.

Bazovyy komponent doshkil’noyi osvity [The basic component of preschool education]. Retrived from https:// mon.gov.ua/ua/osvita/doshkilna-osvita/bazovij-komponent-doshkilnoyi-osviti-v-ukrayini (ukr).

Vyhotskyy, L. S. (1984). Zbirka tvoriv v 6 t. T. 4. Dytyacha psykholohiya [Collected Works in 6 vol. Vol. 4. Child psychology]. Moskow, Russia: Pedahohika (rus).

Honina, O. O. (2015). Psykholohiya doshkil’noho viku: posibnyk i praktykum dlya prykladnoho bakalavryatu [Pre-school Psychology: A Manual and Workshop for Applied Undergraduate]. Moskow, Russia: Yurayt (rus).

Hoyan,  I.  M., Paliy,  A.  A. (2010). Psykhodiahnostychnyy, psykhokorektsiynyy i rozvyval’no-vykhovnyy praktykum u dytyachomu sadku [Psychodiagnostic, psycho-correction and developmental practical training in kindergarten]. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine: Symfoniya forte (ukr).

Hrynova, O. M., Tereshchenko, A. A. (2015). Dytyacha psykhodiahnostyka [Children’s psychodiagnostics]. Vinnytsya, Ukraine: Nilan LTD (ukr).

Izard, K. E. (2012). Psykholohiya emotsiy [Psychology of emotions]. Saint Petersburg, Russia: Piter (rus).

Kaminska, O. V., Hromyk, N. V. (2018). Problema dytyachykh strakhiv u doslidzhennyakh vitchyznyanykh ta zarubizhnykh naukovtsiv [The problem of children’s fears in the research of domestic and foreign scientists]. Psychological Journal, 4 (14), 86–104. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31108/2018vol14iss4pp86-104 (ukr).

Pavelkiv, R. V. (2015). Vikova psykholohiya [Age psychology]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Kondor (ukr).

Teplyuk, A. A. (2013). Osoblyvosti emotsiynoho rozvytku ditey doshkil’noho viku [Features of emotional development of children of preschool age]. Retrived from http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/1927/1/ Teplyuk_PI_konf.pdf (ukr).

Trofayila, N. D. (2014). Emotsiynyy rozvytok ditey doshkil’noho viku [Emotional development of children of preschool age]. Retrived from http://mdu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/files/36_3.pdf (ukr).

Fitsula, M. M. (2005). Pedahohika [Pedagogy]. Ternopil, Ukraine: Navchal’na knyha – Bohdan (ukr).

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Vlasova Inna

ORCID iD 0000-0003-3532-3136

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Doctoral Student, Institute of Higher Education, NAES of Ukraine,
9 Bastionna Str., 01014 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.100105


The article is devoted to the identification of the higher education development trends on the basis of the key analytical documents analysis of the following international organizations in higher education: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (ОЕCD), World Bank, European University Association. UNESCO documents are focused on the autonomy of higher education institutions and academic freedom. Autonomy means that degree of self-governance necessary for effective decision making by institutions of higher education regarding their academic work, standards, management and related activities consistent with systems of public accountability, especially in respect of funding provided by the state, and respect for academic freedom and human rights. However, the nature of institutional autonomy may differ according to the type of establishment involved. Autonomy is the institutional form of academic freedom and a necessary precondition to guarantee the proper fulfilment of the functions entrusted to higher-education teaching personnel and institutions. The World Bank Analytical reports are emphasized on the financial autonomy as an integral part of the higher education financing system. The OECD reports are devoted to the university autonomy in the context of financing, quality assessment and management of higher education institutions. The tendencies of the development of higher education systems in Europe are defined. They are increasing of the role of higher education in ensuring the competitiveness of countries in the world economic community; increasing of the universities competition in market economy and controlling over the public financial resources effective using; increasing demands for higher education quality; decentralization of higher education institutions management; development of the institutional autonomy and academic freedom; the interconnection of institutional autonomy, accountability and responsibility for the quality of higher education; the educational paradigm changing in terms of learning and teaching recognition as key institutional priorities.

Key words: academic freedom; accountability; analytical documents; competition; management decentralization in the higher education; quality of higher education; trends in higher education; university autonomy

Estermann, T., & Nokkala, T. (2009). University autonomy in europe I: Exploratory study, European University Association. Retrived from https://eua.eu/downloads/publications/university%20autonomy%20in%20 europe%201%20-%20exploratory%20study%20.pdf (eng).

European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice (2018). The European Higher Education Area in 2018: Bologna Process Implementation Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Retrived from https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/2fe152b6-5efe-11e8-ab9c01aa75ed71a1/language-en?WT.mc_id=Selectedpublications&WT.ria_c=677&WT.ria_f=706&WT. ria_ev=search (eng).

OECD (2003). Education Policy Analysis. Chapter 3: Changing Patterns of Governance in Higher Education. Retrived from http://www.oecd.org/education/school/educationpolicyanalysis-2003edition.htm (eng).

OECD (2008). Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society. Vol. 1 : Special features: Governance, Funding, Quality. Retrived from http://www.oecd.org/education/skills-beyond-school/thematicrevie woftertiaryeducation.htm (eng).

World Bank (2018). World Bank Support to Higher Education in Latvia: Volume 1. System-Level Funding. Retrived from https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/29740 (eng).

UNESCO (1997). Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel. Retrived from http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=13144&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_ SECTION=201.html (eng).

UNESCO (1998). World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century: Vision and Action. Retrived from https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000116345 (eng).

UNESCO (2016). Education for people and planet: creating sustainable futures for all: Global education monitoring report. Retrived from https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000245752 (eng).

UNESCO (2017). Global Education Monitoring Report 2017/18: Accountability in education: Meeting our commitments. Retrived from https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000259338 (eng).

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Krystopchuk Tatiana

ORCID iD 0000-0002-0104-9901

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Professor of Social Sciences Department, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering,
11 Soborna Str., 33000 Rivne, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.106112


The article analyzes the standards of professional training of specialists in the countries of the European Union. The models and structure of professional future teachers training in France are described. The stages of professional training of specialists, in particular, secondary school teachers in France, are highlighted: a stage of general university training; a stage of professional training combined with theoretical classes; a stage of professional training, which includes didactic training and pedagogical internship; a stage of continuing education that provides opportunities for further training and self-improvement. A description of the standards for teacher training in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is presented. It is noted that the most common model for future teacher training in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the parallel model. The program of the parallel model includes the following sections for the future teacher training: general (basic) courses (compulsory for all applicants of education); psychological and pedagogical cycle of disciplines (studying of these disciplines is supplemented by various types of pedagogical practice); one or two subject courses; professional courses. It is determined the skills that a teacher must possess in accordance with the National Standard of a qualified teacher, in particular, the ability to plan and determine the strategic objectives of training for all class students; the ability to determine the requirements for the student’s learning outcomes; the ability to find the methods and content of the students’ learning activities according to their level; the ability to take into account different cultural, national, ethnic, religious, gender, other characteristics and needs of students; the ability to work in a team; the ability to work with parents; the ability to plan students’ extracurricular activities. It is mentioned that the national standard of a qualified teacher of England and Wales contains of three sections: professional values in the teacher’s activity (Professional Values and Practice); Knowledge and Understanding; Teaching. The main content of the teacher training program in Ireland is considered.

Key words: models of pedagogical education; national standard; pedagogical activity; professional standard; structure of professional training; teacher education; vocational training.

Avshenjuk, N.  M. (2005). Standartyzacija profesijnoji pidghotovky vchyteliv u Anghliji j Ueljsi (kinecj KhKh – pochatok KhKhI st.) [Standardization of teacher training in England and Wales (end of the XX – beginning of the XXI century)]. Candidate’s thesis: 13.00.04. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).

Pukhovsjka, L. P. (1998). Profesijna pidghotovka vchyteliv u Zakhidnij Jevropi v k. ХХ stolittja [Teacher training in Western Europe in the twentieth century]. Doctor’s thesis: 13.00.04. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).

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 Gorshkova Galyna

ORCID iD 0000-0002-2666-7925

Post-Graduate Student, Zaporizhzhia national university,
66 Zhukovsky Str., 69600 Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,
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DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2019.1-2.113119


The article analyzes the training of future speech therapists in universities of Russia, Kazakhstan, the USA, Great Britain, Australia, Canada. It is emphasized that the training of future speech therapists in Russia and Kazakhstan belongs to the field of pedagogy, while in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada in the field of medicine. It affects the content of the training of future speech therapists. In these countries, students study first at undergraduate, then in the magistracy. Only graduate of the magistracy gets the opportunity to work as a speech therapist. The article also defines the notion of «professional training», «future speech therapist», «adapted physical exercises». The data of scientists from different countries on the connection of motor and speech activity is given. The necessity of influence on speech activity with the help of adapted physical exercises is determined. In order to study the foreign experience of the training of future speech therapists in higher education institutions, the use of adapted physical exercises in Russia, Kazakhstan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, were reviewed lists of academic disciplines in the universities of these countries. Having analyzed the study programs at the universities of Russia, Kazakhstan, the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, we arrive at the conclusion that a separate discipline or discipline focused on the use of adapted physical exercises by future speech therapists, in our interpretation, for the professional training of future speech therapists in the universities of these countries at the time of our study we were not found. In connection with this, the experience of the training of future speech therapists to the use of adapted physical exercises at universities in Russia, Kazakhstan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada at the time of our study, we have not found. This is the basis for forming the content of a separate discipline and formulating the content of disciplines focused on the use of adapted physical exercises by future speech therapists in future professional activities, the accumulation of experience and the possibility of future provision of this experience to improve the quality of the training of future speech therapists.

Key words: adapted physical exercises; future speech therapists; vocational training.

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