- №4, 2018
- Reheilo Iryna
- Danysko Oksana
- Sokolova Iryna
- Rakityanska Lyudmyla
- Оshurkevych Nataliia
- Zakharova Valeriia, Kulbashna Yaroslava
- Halytska Mayya, Rekun Nataliia
- Revenko Viktoriia
- Synekop Oksana
- Riznyk Viacheslav, Hora Nataliia
- Stroilova Daria
- Kornjat Vira
- Bordyug Yulia
- Lozynska Svitlana, Sasyk Oksana
- Savchin Alexander
- Усі сторінки
Sokolova Iryna, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Professor of the Department of Higher Education Organization, Health Care and Hygiene, Donetsk National Medical University, 80 Shevchenka Blvd, Mariupol, 87500, Ukraine,
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The paper highlights the methodology for developing the meta profile of the educational program for the specialty 073 Management training managers at the second level of higher education. Focus group research has been identified as one of the methods for obtaining information from stakeholders, as well as literature and documentary review.
A competence-based programme profile has several advantages, as was shown in the article. Starting from a conceptual discussion around commonly used terms, the author emphasis on some of theіr definitions. A meta-profile is a representation of the structure and combination of competences which gives identity to subject areas «Management». It was found that degree profiles ought to follow a road map for Masters Degrees in Education Management; the meta-profile presents an understanding the core elements of the educational program and their description.
The author explains the procedure of focus group study organization; defines its stages and content of each step. The first step looked at the Tuning project methodology, which was adapted to the specific context (the labor market and the market of educational services in Ukraine) and subject area (Management). The second step related to the general context of the meta-profile; the aim was identified, the students and stakeholders were motivated being involvedin the group discussion. List of competences that each student should acquire during his study period in any program were proposed. Finally, lists of generic and subject-specific competences were compiled after analysing the results of the stakeholder-consultation process.
A number of conclusions can be drawn in this paper. The meta profile will provide an investment for future job opportunities, personal development and preparation to act, innovate and transform in managing activity. A meta profile serves as a meeting point for the institution which offers it, the staff who are responsible for the development of the educational program and results to be reached and learners (Master degrees holders in Education Management) who will share the responsibility for seeing that the generic and specific sets of competences are attained. Finally, it was found that focus group research has certain advantages when studying the demand for educational services among potential educators and employers. The further research will be aimed at studying the Education Management program content.
Key words: educational programme; focus group research method; generic, subject-specific competences; higher education; manager of education; Master of Management in Education; meta-profile of the educational programme.
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