Danysko Oksana,PhD (Pedagogy), Lecturer of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Adaptive and Mass Physical Culture Department, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, 2 Ostrogradsky Str., 36000 Poltava, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

In the article the leading role of blended learning in the process of transformation of modern higher education in the context of innovative paradigm becoming is defined.

Global social and economic changes determined the transformation of educational paradigm and extensive reformation of the world educational systems in the direction of combination of Pedagogics, innovations and technologies. Synergy of triad «Pedagogics – innovations – technologies» will allow to find the answers forinterrelated current questions, which arose before the home system of higher pedagogical education: «What to teach»? – «In what way to teach»? – «How to provide subject-to-subject educational interaction in the conditions of global changes»?  It is supposed, that the result of such integration will be the formation in student youth spheres such academic and social competences (knowledge, skills, abilities) and experience, which will allow them to adapt to variable conditions, be ready to the new challenges, constructively cooperate with the surrounding world and study during life. Blended learning is considered to be the important part of mentioned changes, because it combines conservative and innovative pedagogical strategies and technologies.

Blended learning is examined as integration of individual (traditional) and technological (electronic) education, that provides differentiation and support of academic and social necessities of students with the change of rate, time, way or place of studies. On the basis of scientific literature analysis it is proved, that introduction of blended learning in a pedagogical process considerably extends educational potential – due to automation teachers feel more confidently, and students get equal access and possibilities to education, that is the basic condition of home educational system reformation, increase of its quality. It is marked, that on the stage of becoming of innovative student-centered educational paradigm the blended learning even today demonstrates possibilities and efficiency of educational standards ensuring on the basis of competence approach.

Key words: blended learning;  higher educational institutions;  innovation;  reformation;  technologies.


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