Savchin Alexander, Lecturer of the Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education Department, State Higher Educational Institution «Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University», 30 Sukhomlinsky Str., 08401 Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

The article gives an analysis of problems of formation of skills in children of the senior preschool age to build stories of different types. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of psycho-pedagogical and special literature, based on the main definition of «building a story», a subordinate term is formulated in relation to the topic of the study: «building stories of different types» The psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of sustainable skills of creation and expedient use of stories of different types in children of the senior preschool age are revealed and substantiated. The components, criteria, indicators and levels of formation of abilities to build a different type of narration in children of the sixth year of life are determined. The stages of formation of persistent skills for building different types of stories by senior preschoolers are singled out.

The lack of effective pedagogical technologies in relation to the formation of skills in the children of the senior preschool age to build and expedient use of narration of comprehensive typing significantly reduces the effective preparation of children to school.

The proposed pedagogical and motivational technology for the formation of children of the sixth year of a sustainable ability to create stories of various types provides the small person an effective communicative tool, which will definitely promote its self-realization both in school environment and in career, society, own life.

The prospects for further research are outlined, such independent types of stories are presented as a story - an instruction and a story - a presentation.

Key words: author pedagogical motivational technology;  coherent speech;  coacher;  facilitation environment;  modern computer gadgets;  monologic speech;  narrative-instruction;  stories of all types;  story-presentation;  tutor.



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