- №4, 2018
- Reheilo Iryna
- Danysko Oksana
- Sokolova Iryna
- Rakityanska Lyudmyla
- Оshurkevych Nataliia
- Zakharova Valeriia, Kulbashna Yaroslava
- Halytska Mayya, Rekun Nataliia
- Revenko Viktoriia
- Synekop Oksana
- Riznyk Viacheslav, Hora Nataliia
- Stroilova Daria
- Kornjat Vira
- Bordyug Yulia
- Lozynska Svitlana, Sasyk Oksana
- Savchin Alexander
- Усі сторінки
Lozynska Svitlana, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor оf Preschool and Primary Education Department, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 7 Tuhan-Baranovskoho Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Sasyk Oksana, Master’s Degree Student оf Preschool and Primary Education Department, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 7 Tuhan-Baranovskoho Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine,
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This article considers the educational value of toys. Folk toys are, on the one hand, a model, an outline of life, on the other – a source of joy, cheerfulness, well-being. The role of folk toys in the moral and aesthetic education was justified and analyzed. Folk toy is one of the most effective means of aesthetic, physical and mental development of children. The selection of folk toys, which should be based on age peculiarities of the child was discovered. The main functions of folk toys were characterized.
Folk toy is a heritage like a mother tongue, tales, songs. Folk toys carry children’s love, highlighted in child’s play. Folk toy carries the artistic culture of folk art, develops unique features of its people aesthetics.
The use of folk toys in kindergarten, in the family, diversifies the gaming activities of children, help them to enrich, expand the world cognition and its people, develop its classical skills for national, economic and social culture.
Formation of knowledge about the folk toy is based on the perception of children’s cognitive, aesthetic, moral, emotional content, an adequate understanding of its cultural and historical significance.
National toy stands in the pedagogical process as a type of artistic creation that combines the material and spiritual achievements. Toys are a special type of artistic creation that integrates various types of folk art, combining the material and spiritual achievements of the Ukrainian culture, contributes to the formation of creatively active person, successor of folk traditions.
The metaphorical and imagery aspect of toy makes it a panacea for social adaptation to a particular stage of human development, for conveying, assimilation and revival of material and spiritual folk culture, while other means are inaccessible.
Key words: children of preschool age; development; education; folk toy; formation; personality.
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