- №4, 2018
- Reheilo Iryna
- Danysko Oksana
- Sokolova Iryna
- Rakityanska Lyudmyla
- Оshurkevych Nataliia
- Zakharova Valeriia, Kulbashna Yaroslava
- Halytska Mayya, Rekun Nataliia
- Revenko Viktoriia
- Synekop Oksana
- Riznyk Viacheslav, Hora Nataliia
- Stroilova Daria
- Kornjat Vira
- Bordyug Yulia
- Lozynska Svitlana, Sasyk Oksana
- Savchin Alexander
- Усі сторінки
Kornjat Vira, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of Department of Special Pedagogy and Inclusion, Lviv Ivan Franko National University, 7 Tughan-Baranovsjkogho Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine,
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The article deals with the problem of sexual education in modern educational institutions. It is emphasized on the lack of effective work carried out by pedagogical staff in the direction of sexual education, inadequate theoretical and methodological training of pedagogical workers (social teachers, teachers), low level of pedagogical culture of parents. It has been shown that among scholars there is no single definition in the interpretations of «sexual», «sexual», «gender» education. The sexual education of the author is understood as a process of systematic, deliberately planned and implemented education, which involves a definite end result of action – the formation of sexual consciousness and behaviour. Proceeding from this, the pivotal aspect of such upbringing is the formation of the sexual culture of the individual, its preparation for the conscious realization of gender roles − sexually determined social standards of conduct. Sexual and sexual behaviour of a mature person is a culture and sexual life of a person, and interpersonal communication, and appearance, and the attitude towards your health. Variety of interpretation of the concept of «sexual education» indicates its complex structure and requires adults to pay special attention to the unity of the family and educational institutions in this process. The results of the survey of schoolchildren, which confirmed the assumption that in the secondary schools the low level of attention of pedagogical workers to the issue of sexual education and showed the need and importance of conducting work on sexual education with schoolchildren, it is the social pedagogue, to whom they relate to trust and understanding, and the question of the correct organization in the school environment of sexual education of the person from the side of pedagogical workers, especially social educators, practical psychologists, class leaders is archivious. The prospects of further researches, in particular, development of the integral system of sexual education of pupils in the conditions of a comprehensive institution and experimental verification of its effectiveness, studying the peculiarities of the work of the social pedagogue in the sexual education of children with disabilities are presented.
Key words: gender education; general educational institution; sexual culture; sex education; social pedagogue.
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