- №4, 2018
- Reheilo Iryna
- Danysko Oksana
- Sokolova Iryna
- Rakityanska Lyudmyla
- Оshurkevych Nataliia
- Zakharova Valeriia, Kulbashna Yaroslava
- Halytska Mayya, Rekun Nataliia
- Revenko Viktoriia
- Synekop Oksana
- Riznyk Viacheslav, Hora Nataliia
- Stroilova Daria
- Kornjat Vira
- Bordyug Yulia
- Lozynska Svitlana, Sasyk Oksana
- Savchin Alexander
- Усі сторінки
Zakharova Valeriia, Kulbashna Yaroslava
Halytska Mayya, Rekun Nataliia
Riznyk Viacheslav, Hora Nataliia
Lozynska Svitlana, Sasyk Oksana
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Danysko Oksana,PhD (Pedagogy), Lecturer of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Adaptive and Mass Physical Culture Department, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, 2 Ostrogradsky Str., 36000 Poltava, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
In the article the leading role of blended learning in the process of transformation of modern higher education in the context of innovative paradigm becoming is defined.
Global social and economic changes determined the transformation of educational paradigm and extensive reformation of the world educational systems in the direction of combination of Pedagogics, innovations and technologies. Synergy of triad «Pedagogics – innovations – technologies» will allow to find the answers forinterrelated current questions, which arose before the home system of higher pedagogical education: «What to teach»? – «In what way to teach»? – «How to provide subject-to-subject educational interaction in the conditions of global changes»? It is supposed, that the result of such integration will be the formation in student youth spheres such academic and social competences (knowledge, skills, abilities) and experience, which will allow them to adapt to variable conditions, be ready to the new challenges, constructively cooperate with the surrounding world and study during life. Blended learning is considered to be the important part of mentioned changes, because it combines conservative and innovative pedagogical strategies and technologies.
Blended learning is examined as integration of individual (traditional) and technological (electronic) education, that provides differentiation and support of academic and social necessities of students with the change of rate, time, way or place of studies. On the basis of scientific literature analysis it is proved, that introduction of blended learning in a pedagogical process considerably extends educational potential – due to automation teachers feel more confidently, and students get equal access and possibilities to education, that is the basic condition of home educational system reformation, increase of its quality. It is marked, that on the stage of becoming of innovative student-centered educational paradigm the blended learning even today demonstrates possibilities and efficiency of educational standards ensuring on the basis of competence approach.
Key words: blended learning; higher educational institutions; innovation; reformation; technologies.
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Sokolova Iryna, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Professor of the Department of Higher Education Organization, Health Care and Hygiene, Donetsk National Medical University, 80 Shevchenka Blvd, Mariupol, 87500, Ukraine,
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The paper highlights the methodology for developing the meta profile of the educational program for the specialty 073 Management training managers at the second level of higher education. Focus group research has been identified as one of the methods for obtaining information from stakeholders, as well as literature and documentary review.
A competence-based programme profile has several advantages, as was shown in the article. Starting from a conceptual discussion around commonly used terms, the author emphasis on some of theіr definitions. A meta-profile is a representation of the structure and combination of competences which gives identity to subject areas «Management». It was found that degree profiles ought to follow a road map for Masters Degrees in Education Management; the meta-profile presents an understanding the core elements of the educational program and their description.
The author explains the procedure of focus group study organization; defines its stages and content of each step. The first step looked at the Tuning project methodology, which was adapted to the specific context (the labor market and the market of educational services in Ukraine) and subject area (Management). The second step related to the general context of the meta-profile; the aim was identified, the students and stakeholders were motivated being involvedin the group discussion. List of competences that each student should acquire during his study period in any program were proposed. Finally, lists of generic and subject-specific competences were compiled after analysing the results of the stakeholder-consultation process.
A number of conclusions can be drawn in this paper. The meta profile will provide an investment for future job opportunities, personal development and preparation to act, innovate and transform in managing activity. A meta profile serves as a meeting point for the institution which offers it, the staff who are responsible for the development of the educational program and results to be reached and learners (Master degrees holders in Education Management) who will share the responsibility for seeing that the generic and specific sets of competences are attained. Finally, it was found that focus group research has certain advantages when studying the demand for educational services among potential educators and employers. The further research will be aimed at studying the Education Management program content.
Key words: educational programme; focus group research method; generic, subject-specific competences; higher education; manager of education; Master of Management in Education; meta-profile of the educational programme.
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Rakityanska Lyudmyla, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Methodology of Musical Education, Singing and Choral Conducting, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Gagarin Ave, 50086 Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine,
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The subject of special attention of scientists in the last more than two decades is the problem of emotional intelligence – a new psychological phenomenon, which in recent years has been identified by American psychologists as a problem of personality psychology. The practical interest in the problem, according to scientists, far outstrips the level of its theoretical development. The public demand for emotional intelligence came from the business sector, where it was found that academic knowledge in its pure form, intelligence does not always provide with the expected result. Public opinion is increasingly coming to the conclusion that in the development of the individual as an individual and groups of like-minded people, in solving the problems of emotional burnout, conflicts of any level, priority belongs not to reason, but emotions. From the way in which accurately and skillfully a person can recognize their emotions and reasonably manage them, its vital success depends to a large extent. The spectrum of interest in emotional intelligence is broad enough and encompasses academic science, management and business, applied psychology. The first studies of emotional intelligence as a psychological phenomenon, a theoretical understanding of its essence and essential features, the formation of scientific concepts on this basis belong to American scientists. The analysis of literature testifies to the lack of unambiguous scientific understanding of the phenomenon of emotional intelligence. American scientists have proposed three basic theories of emotional intelligence, which differ between developed model structures and corresponding methods of their measurement: the model of cognitive abilities; mixed model combining cognitive abilities and personality traits; a mixed model that combines non-cognitive abilities and is personal quality. Actuality, little research and discussion of the problem of emotional intelligence are increasingly attracted by the attention of domestic scientists.
Key words: abilities; emotional intelligence; emotions; intelligence; model; personality.
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Оshurkevych Nataliia, Junior Researcher of Scientific-Research Laboratory of Educology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Timoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The article is devoted to the study of the problem of professional self-determination of personality and its relevance in contemporary socio-economic conditions.
An analysis of the work of domestic and foreign scholars on the problem of professional self-determination of personality, made it possible to find out that there is no single theory in the understanding of the process of professional self-determination of personality.
The article reveals the essence of the concepts of «personality», «profession», «professional self-determination», «professional self-determination of personality», «self-determination». The genesis is analyzed and approaches to the definition of the essence of the concept of «professional self-determination of personality» are considered. The emphasis is placed on the professional self-determination of a personality as a multicomponent phenomenon that is interconnected with professional development and the formation of an individual.
The author’s definition of the concept of «professional self-determination of personality» is proposed as a prolonged, dynamic and phased process of self-knowledge and professional choice, influenced by external and internal factors of the subject.
It has been established that in the writings of leading scholars there is an increased interest in the problem of professional self-determination of personality. The great experience of the various concepts and theoretical approaches developed to understanding the problem of professional self-determination of personality points to the complexity and multicomponent nature of the phenomenon of «professional self-determination of personality», as well as its close connection with the person’s self-determination of the person, his self-realization, self-actualization and self-knowledge in professional activity.
Key words: personality; profession; professional self-determination; professional self-determination of personality; self-determination.
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Zakharova Valeriia, Teacher at Foreign Languages’ Department, Bogomolets National Medical University, 13 T. Shevchenko Blvd., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Kulbashna Yaroslava, Doctor of Science (Pedagogy), PhD (Medicine), Professor, Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Bogomolets National Medical University, 13 T. Shevchenko Blvd., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The author’s model of future dentists’ foreign language competence formation is developed and substantiated in the article. The analyses of scientific sources and own pedagogical experience allows to distinguish the main components of the model. In particular, they are defined as target, organizational and content, activity, evaluative-reflexive, resulting ones. The target component states the purpose and essential tasks of future dentists’ foreign language competence formation that are necessary to perform in order to achieve the result. The next component is considered as the organizational and content one which covers the principles, specifics, pedagogical conditions, factors and fields of foreign language competence formation. The activity constituent is represented with the different technologies (intensive training, game and computer technologies, modular learning,) forms (individual work, pair work, group work, plenary work) and methods (lexical exercises, tasks for listening or reading comprehension and various communicative activities) of foreign language competence formation that allow activating students’ vocabulary knowledge and motivating them to study. The evaluative and reflexive element monitors the learning process, when the level of future dentists’ foreign language competence is determined in accordance with the established criteria. They include different levels: A2+ (pre-intermediate), B1 (intermediate), B2 (upper-intermediate). The final component is the resulting one that implies the present result: developed future dentists’ foreign language competence which provides the possibility them to perform their professional duties in English-speaking environment.
Key words: communicativeness; foreign language competence; intensive training; model; motivation; professional orientation; self-study.
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Halytska Mayya, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of Tourism Department, National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, 1 Fizkultury Str., 03150 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Rekun Nataliia, PhD (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer of Tourism Department, National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, 1 Fizkultury Str., 03150 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The article focuses on the results of the analysis of the various psychological and pedagogical roles of the English for Specific Purposes/ESP teacher which are actualized in the process of professional training within the ESP course. It has been specified that the level of methodological competence of the ESP teacher is determined, in particular, by the ability to choose behavior patterns and combine roles that are appropriate in a particular educational situation. Due to the psychological theories of interaction the range of teaching roles has been determined in the context of pedagogical interaction between ESP teacher and ESP students, thus, gradual transformation of the guardian and mentor position to the role of partner, co-worker, colleague, accomplice, co-author, collaborator has been grounded. Considered in the article is the concept of pedagogical facilitation as an innovative approach to ESP training. Identifying facilitation with the notion of pedagogical management made it possible to emphasise on the managerial, adaptive, organizational and consultative functions of the ESP teacher, therefore, the roles of manager, supervisor, attendant, assistant, consultant, counsellor have been outlined. The role of facilitator within ESP teaching is regarded as a complex concept which comprises the positions of consultant, moderator, and tutor. The significance of such teaching position in ESP training has been substantiated primarily due to the specific target learners of the ESP courses who fundamentally differ from the students of the general language courses in terms of their theoretical and practical professional background.
Key words: English for specific purposes; facilitator; pedagogical facilitation; pedagogical interaction; psychological and pedagogical roles.
Kozhushko, S. P. (2014). Pidgotovka maibutnih fahivtsiv z commertsiinoii diialnisti do profesiinoii vzaiemodii [Training of future specialists of commercial activity for professional interaction]. The Pedagogical Process: Theory and Practice, 1, 50–56 (ukr).
Kolesnyk, L. V. (2010). Fasylitatsiia iak riznovyd pedagogichnoii vzaiemodii [Facilitation as a variation of pedagogical interaction]. The Scientific Journal of Dragomanov NPU, 15, 82–85. Kyiv, Ukraine: NPU imeni M. P. Dragomanova. Retrieved from http://enpuir.npu.edu.ua/ handle/123456789/ 2068 (ukr).
Korotayeva, Ye. V. (2013). Osnovy pedagogiki vzaimodeistviy: teoriya i praktika [Fundamentals of pedagogy of interactions: theory and practice]. Yekaterinburg, Russia: UrGPU (rus).
Stepanenko, S. & Stepanenko, N. (2017). Semantychni bar’iery u strukturi pedahohichnoi komunikatsii [Semantic barriers in the structure of pedagogical communication]. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, 1–2, 26–33. DOI: 10.28925/1609-8595.2017(1-2)2633 (ukr).
Taranenkova, I. A., & Kibets, V. N. (2015).Prepodavatel kak fasilitator innovatsyonnogo obrazovatelnogo protsessa v vuze [Teacher as the facilitator of innovative process of tertiary education]. The Current Problems of Science and Education, 1 (1), 1–9. Retrieved from http://www.science-education.ru/ru/article/ view?id=18086 (rus).
Fisun, O. V. (2010). Pedagogichna fasylitatsiia iak bagatoznachnyi fenomen [Pedagogical facilitation as the polysemic phenomenon]. The Methods of Educational and Scientific-Research Work, 34,133–139 (ukr).
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Robbins, P. (1991). ESP today: A practit ioner’s guide. New York, USA: Prentice Hall International English Language Teaching (eng).
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Tarnopolsky, O. (2012). Constructivist blended learning approach to teaching English for specific purposes. London, Great Britain: Versita (eng).
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Revenko Viktoriia , PhD (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer at English Philology Department, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Gagarina Ave, 54, 50086 Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine,
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The article is focused on the presentation of the content and the approbation results of professional growth training courses. They are aimed at developing separate components of future English teachers’ foreign language communicative competence. The experiment results testify the efficiency of professional growth training courses for prospective foreign language teachers’ professional training optimization. The data of post-experimental testing show the increasing number of students with a high and intermediate level of foreign language communicative competence.
Key words: foreign language communicative competence; future English teachers’ professional training; interactive techniques; professional growth training courses; professionally significant qualities.
Bakum, Z., & Paljchykova, O. (2012). Kros-kuljturnyj pidkhid u vykladanni inozemnoji movy studentam-filologham. [The cross-cultural approach in teaching foreign language to students of philology]. Teoretychna i dydaktychna filologhija, 13, 3–7 (ukr).
Bighych, O. B. (Ed.) (2010). Metodyka formuvannja mizhkuljturnoji inshomovnoji komunikatyvnoji kompetenciji [Methodology of formation of intercultural communication communication competence]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Lenvit (ukr).
Borisko, N. F. (2010). Formirovanie professional’no orientirovannoj kommunikativnoj kompetencii na prakticheskih zanjatijah po inostrannomu jazyku ili skol’ko metodiki nuzhno budushhemu uchitelju [The development of professionally oriented foreign language communicative competence in the English language course or how much methodology a future teacher needs]. Inozemni movy, 2, 3–10 (rus).
Gal’skova, N. D., & Gez, N. I. (2006). Teorija obuchenija inostrannym jazykam. Lingvodidaktika i metodika[Theory of teaching foreign languages. Linguodidactics and methodology]. Moscow, Russia: Akademija (rus).
Derzhavnyj standart bazovoji i povnoji zaghaljnoji serednjoji osvity [National standard of basic and complete general secondary education]. Retrieved from http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1392-2011-%D0%BF (ukr).
Zimnjaja, I. A. (2003). Kljuchevye kompetencii – novaja paradigma rezul’tata obrazovanija [Key competencies as the new paradigm of the result of education]. Vysshee obrazovanie segodnja, 5, 34–42 (rus).
Karpova, L. Gh. (2004). Formuvannja profesijnoji kompetentnosti vchytelja zaghaljnoosvitnjoji shkoly [Forming of the Professional Competence of a Secondary School Teacher]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kharkiv, Ukraine (ukr).
Kostjukova, T. A., & Morozova, A. L. (2011). Razvitie inojazychnoj kommunikativnoj kompetentnosti studentov nejazykovyh vuzov [Development of foreign communicative competence of students of non-linguistic universities]. Tomsk, Russia: TPU (rus).
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Revenko, V. V. (2016). Zastosuvannja interaktyvnykh tekhnologhij navchannja u procesi profesijnoji pidghotovky majbutnikh uchyteliv inozemnykh mov: metodychni rekomendaciji [Implementation of interactive learning technologies in the process of future foreign language teachers’ training: methodical recommendations]. Kryvyj Righ, Ukraine: KRSPU (ukr).
Roman, S. V. (2012). Profesijno orijentovana inshomovna komunikatyvna kompetentnistj majbutnikh uchyteliv inozemnoji movy jak predmet formuvannja v kursi praktyky usnogho ta pysemnogho movlennja. [Pre-service Foreign Language Teachers’ Professionally Oriented Foreign Language Communicative Competence as the Goal for Development in the English Language Course]. Inozemni movy, 2, 39–45 (ukr).
Skljarenko, N. K. (2010). Metodyka formuvannja inshomovnoji ghramatychnoji kompetenciji v uchniv zaghaljnoosvitnikh navchaljnykh zakladiv [Foreign Grammatical Competence Formation]. Inozemni movy, 4, 15–25 (ukr).
Stavycjka, I. V. (2013). Inshomovna kompetentnistj: misce definiciji u terminologhichnomu poli suchasnykh naukovykh sudzhenj [Foreign language competence: the place of definition in terminology field of modern scientific statements]. Pedaghoghichni nauky: teorija, istorija, innovacijni tekhnologhiji, 4 (30), 280–286 (ukr).
Tarnopoljsjkyj, O. (2006). Metodyka navchannja inshomovnoji movlennjevoji dijaljnosti u vyshhomu movnomu zakladi osvity [Methods of teaching foreign language communication language in higher education institution]. Kyiv, Ukraine: INKOS (ukr).
Hutorskoj, A. (2003). Kljuchevye kompetencii kak komponent lichnostno-orientirovannogo obrazovanija [Key competencies as a component of student-centered education]. Narodnoe obrazovanie, 2, 58–64 (rus).
Chorna, O. O. (2013). Osoblyvosti ta praktyka formuvannja inshomovnoji komunikatyvnoji kompetentnosti studentiv tekhnichnykh specialjnostej [Peculiarities and Practice of the Formation of Non-Philological Students’ Foreign Communicative Competence]. Vikladannya mov u vishih navchalnih zakladah osviti na suchasnomu etapi, 22, 230–237 (ukr).
Shchukin, A. N. (2004). Obuchenie inostrannym jazykam. Teorija i praktika [Teaching foreign languages.Theory and practice]. Moscow, Russia: Filomatis (rus).
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Lewis, M., & Hill, J. (1985). Practical Techniques: For Language Teaching. Hove, Great Britain: Language Teaching (eng).
Maiier, N. (2017). The methodological training of future university teachers to implement intercultural foreign language education: competency-based approach. Advanced Education, 8, 4–9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20535/2410-8286.101358 (eng).
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Synekop Oksana, PhD (Pedagogy), Assistant Professor of Department of English for Engineering, Faculty of Linguistics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», 37 Peremohy Ave, 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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In order to implement English for specific purposes within the framework of differentiated instruction to the future specialists in the information technology sphere, the exercises system of teaching monologue speech is proposed. The definition of the concept exercises system for the differentiated instruction of monologue speech» is outlined. The functional types of monologues for the future IT specialists are defined: monologue-description, monologue-message, monologue-persuasion. The approaches of teaching monologue («top down» and «bottom up») are determined. The dominant one is «bottom up». The stages of teaching monologue of English for specific purposes are analyzed. The exercises system for differentiated instruction of English for specific purposes of monological speech to the future IT-specialists is presented. Within the exercises system, a subsystem of exercises and corresponding groups are outlined. There are two subsystems: a subsystem of exercises for the formation of monological speech sub-skills (phonetic, lexical, grammatical, using linking devices) and a subsystem of exercises for the development of monological speech skills (for mastering monological units, minimonologues, various functional types of monologue). Various levels of difficulty and learning styles are reflected in the exercises. Examples of exercises for students with different learning styles and different levels of proficiency in a foreign language are considered.
Key words: differentiated instruction; English for Specific Purposes; exercises system; future IT specialists; learning style; level of foreign language proficiency; monologue.
Bondar, L. V. (2011). Metodyka navchannja francuzjkogho profesijno sprjamovanogho monologhichnogho movlennja studentiv tekhnichnykh specialjnostej z urakhuvannjam jikh navchaljnykh styliv [Methodology of training French professional oriented monologue to the students of technical specialties taking into account their learning styles]: Candidate’s thesis: 13.00.02. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).
Dackiv, O. P. (2011). Metodyka formuvannja vminj ghovorinnja u majbutnikh uchyteliv anghlijsjkoji movy zasobamy dramatyzaciji [Methodology of speaking skills formation to the future teachers of English by means of dramatization]: Candidate’s thesis: 13.00.02. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).
Kim, Z. M. (2010). Metodicheskaja sistema obuchenija monologicheskomu vyskazyvaniju na temy special’nosti v gruppah inostrannyh studentov medicinskogo profilja s uchetom kognitivnyh stilej uchashhihsja [Methodological system of teaching monologue on the themes of specialty in groups of foreign students of medical profile, taking into account their cognitive styles]: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 13.00.02. Moskow, Russia (rus).
Nikolajeva, S. Ju. (Ed.) (2013). Metodyka navchannja inozemnykh mov i kuljtur: teorija i praktyka [Methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures: theory and practice]: Pidruchnyk dlja stud. klasychnykh, pedaghoghichnykh i linghvistychnykh universytetiv. Kyiv, Ukraine: Lenvit (ukr).
Synekop, O. S. (2018). Vykorystannja pryjomiv u dyferencijovanomu navchanni majbutnikh fakhivciv z informacijnykh tekhnologhij profesijno orijentovanogho anghlomovnogho spilkuvannja u nemovnykh vyshhykh navchaljnykh zakladakh. [Techniques in differentiated instruction of English for specific purposes to the future IT-professionals in the non-language higher education institutions]. Materialy naukovo-praktychnoji konferentsiji «Ukrajina i svit: dialogh mov ta kuljtur». Kyiv, Ukraine: KNLU, 610−611 (ukr).
Sirotjuk, A. L. (2007). Psihofiziologicheskie osnovy obuchenija shkol’nikov: uchebnoe posobie [Psychophysiological bases of teaching students: tutorial]. Moskow, Russia: Sfera (rus).
Shhoseva, E. P. (1991). Differencirovannyj podhod k obucheniju monologicheskoj rechi na pervom jetape nejazykovogo vuza (anglijskij jazyk) [Differentiated Approach to Learning Monological Speech at the First Stage of Non-Language Higher Educational Institutions (English)]: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 13.00.02. Moskow, Russia (rus).
Bowman, B. (1992). Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Large, Multilevel Classes. Washington D. C., USA: Center for Applied Linguistics (eng).
Oxford, R. L. (2003). Language learning styles and strategies: an overview. Oxford, USA: GALA. Retrieved from http://web.ntpu.edu.tw/~language/workshop/read2.pdf (eng).
Siddiqui, O., & Alghamdi, F. M. A. (2017). Implementing Differentiated Instruction in EFL Remedial Classes: An Action Research. Education and Linguistics Research, Vol. 3, № 2, 89−100. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5296/elr.v3i2.11726 (eng).
Tomlison, C. A. (2014). The differentiated classroom. Responding to the needs of all learners. Alexandria, VA, USA: ASCD (eng).
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Riznyk Viacheslav, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of Department of the Professional Education, Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University, 30 Sukhomlinsky Str., 08401 Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskiy, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Hora Nataliia, Post-Graduate Student of Department of the Professional Education, Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University, 30 Sukhomlinsky Str., 08401 Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskiy, Ukraine,
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The article deals with the problem of the formation of professional competence of future commodity specialists in the process of practical training. The essence of the production practice and its importance for the effective professional training of future specialists in merchandising is revealed. The place and role of production practice in the process of formation of professional competence of future commodity researchers, as an integral part of training specialists in institutions of higher education, has been determined. The features of the professional development of future commodity specialists in the process of practical training at enterprises are characterized. The main functions of industrial practice in the system of training of specialists are determined. A reasonable set of professional competencies that are formed in the future of commodity studies in the process of practical training. In particular:
- possession of basic methods, ways and means of obtaining, storing, processing information;
- ability to organize procurement and supply of goods, to communicate with suppliers and buyers, to control the implementation of contractual obligations;
- awareness of issues related to assortment, consumer properties of goods, storage conditions and quality requirements;
- ability to work with commodity-accompanying documents, to draw up initial documentation on accounting of trading operations, to inventory inventory, etc.
On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature and professional experience, it has been proved that the industrial practice significantly improves the process of professional formation of future commodity researchers, promotes the development of the skills of applying theoretical knowledge in practice, increasing the valuable professional experience and is the basis for the formation of their professional competence. It is substantiated that the professional competence of future commodity researchers in general depends on acquiring practical skills and experience, therefore special attention is needed to develop cross-cutting programs of practice in general and programs of production practice in particular.
Key words: competence; competency; future commodity specialists; industrial practice; professional competence; professional training skills.
Zakon Ukrainy «Pro vyshchu osvitu» [Law of Ukraine On Higher Educanion]. Retrieved from http://zakon0.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1556-18 (ukr).
Kosjak, I. V. (2015). Formuvannja profesijnoji kompetentnosti majbutnikh inzheneriv-pedaghoghiv za profilem tekhnologhija vyrobiv leghkoji promyslovosti pid chas vyrobnychoji tekhnologhichnoji praktyky [Formation of professional competence of future engineers-educators on the profile of technology of light industry products during manufacturing technological practice]. Zbirnik naukovih prac Umanskogo derzhavnogo pedagogichnogo universitetu imeni Pavla Tichini, 1, 164–170 (ukr).
Lisna, R. P., Tryghub, V. O. (2012). Formuvannja profesijnoji kompetenciji u procesi praktychnogho navchannja [Formation of professional competence in the process of practical training]. Finansovo-kreditna diyalnist: problemi teoriyi ta praktiki, Vol. 2, № 13, 330–334 (ukr).
Leontjan, M. A. (2012). Ponjattja «kompetencija» i «kompetentnistj» u teoriji osvity [The notion of «competence» and «competency» in the theory of education]. Naukovi praci Chornomorskogo derzhavnogo universitetu imeni Petra Mogili kompleksu «Kiyevo-Mogilyanska akademiya». Seriya: Pedagogika. Vol. 188, № 176, 73–75 (ukr).
Ovsijenko, A. M. (2013). Orghanizacija ta kerivnyctvo praktyky. Metodychni rekomendaciji dlja prokhodzhennja vyrobnychoji praktyky studentamy dennoji formy navchannja specialjnosti «Tovaroznavstvo» [Organization and governance of practice. Methodical recommendations for the passing of the industrial practice by the students of the full-time form of studying specialty «Commodity study»]. Perejaslav-Khmeljnycjkyj, Ukraine (ukr).
Popova, T. I. (2007). Pedaghoghichni umovy orghanizaciji vyrobnychoji praktyky u profesijno-tekhnichnykh uchylyshhakh shvejnogho profilju v Ukrajini (drugha polovyna XX stolittja) [Pedagogical conditions of organization of industrial practice in vocational schools of the sewing profile in Ukraine (second half of the XX century)]: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 13.00.01. Kharkiv, Ukraine (ukr).
Rudenko, Ju. O. (2010). Proghrama ta metodychni vkazivky z vyrobnychoji praktyky za naprjamom pidghotovky «Marketyngh» [Program and methodical guidelines for the production practice in the field of training «Marketing»]. Cherkasy, Ukraine: Cherkaskij derzhavnij biznes-koledzh (ukr).
Useinova, L. Ju. (2010). Formuvannja profesijno-praktychnoji kompetentnosti majbutnikh inzheneriv-pedaghoghiv v umovakh vyrobnychoji praktyky [Formation of professional-practical competence of future engineer-teachers in the conditions of production practice]: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 13.00.04. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).
Khutorskyj, A. V. (2003). Kljuchevye kompetencyy: tekhnologhyja konstruyrovanyja [Key competencies: design technology]. Narodnoe obrazovanye, 5, 55–62 (rus).
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Stroilova Daria, Post-Graduate Student, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv 61022, Ukraine,
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The article deals with the new development and method of improving the training of future teachers of the foundations of health, since at the present stage of the formation of the Ukrainian state one of the urgent needs is the reform of the system of training pedagogical staff, the creation of a higher educational institution of health-preserving educational and educational environment; actualization of the healthcare-saving context in the content of the future teacher’s preparation of the fundamentals of health and its focus on professional activities. In modern conditions, the peculiarities of pedagogical education in secondary education institutions of Ukraine are represented by several factors, namely, the improvement of the content of the pedagogical system through change and its main goal is determined in the training of specialists with a new type of thinking capable of ensuring the versatile development of the student as a person and the highest value of society. The analysis of the results of implementation of the methodical system of training of future teachers of the basics of health to the application of health-saving technologies in professional activity is presented. The results of the experimental work prove the effectiveness of the implemented methodical system of training future teachers of health care to the application of health-saving technologies. This suggests the expediency of its wide use in the professional training of future teachers of the foundations of health. The study does not exhaust all aspects of the identified problems of healthcare-saving technologies in the professional activities of future teachers.
Key words: application of health of preserving technologies; future teachers of health grounds; professional training; readiness of future teachers.
Andreev, V. I. (2000). Pedahohika: Navchalnyi kurs dlia tvorchoho samorozvytku. [Pedagogy: A training course for creative self-development]. Kazan, Russia (rus).
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Gomonyuk, O. M. (2011). Formuvannya profesiyno-pedagogichnoyi kulturi maybutnih sotsialnih pedagogiv. MonografIya [Formation of vocational and pedagogical culture of future social educators. Monograf]. Vinnitsya, Ukraine: Planer (ukr).
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Ponomarova, N. O. (2017). Analiz stanu pidgotovki maybutnih vchiteliv Informatiki u vischih pedagogichnih navchalnih zakladah ukrayini do roboti z profesiynoyi orientatsiyi shkolyariv na It-spetsialnosti [Analysis of the state of preparation of future teachers of computer science in higher educational institutions of Ukraine for work on professional orientation of pupils on the IT specialty]. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, 7 (15), 45–48. DOI: 10.15587/2519-4984.2017.107978 (ukr).
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Kornjat Vira, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of Department of Special Pedagogy and Inclusion, Lviv Ivan Franko National University, 7 Tughan-Baranovsjkogho Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine,
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The article deals with the problem of sexual education in modern educational institutions. It is emphasized on the lack of effective work carried out by pedagogical staff in the direction of sexual education, inadequate theoretical and methodological training of pedagogical workers (social teachers, teachers), low level of pedagogical culture of parents. It has been shown that among scholars there is no single definition in the interpretations of «sexual», «sexual», «gender» education. The sexual education of the author is understood as a process of systematic, deliberately planned and implemented education, which involves a definite end result of action – the formation of sexual consciousness and behaviour. Proceeding from this, the pivotal aspect of such upbringing is the formation of the sexual culture of the individual, its preparation for the conscious realization of gender roles − sexually determined social standards of conduct. Sexual and sexual behaviour of a mature person is a culture and sexual life of a person, and interpersonal communication, and appearance, and the attitude towards your health. Variety of interpretation of the concept of «sexual education» indicates its complex structure and requires adults to pay special attention to the unity of the family and educational institutions in this process. The results of the survey of schoolchildren, which confirmed the assumption that in the secondary schools the low level of attention of pedagogical workers to the issue of sexual education and showed the need and importance of conducting work on sexual education with schoolchildren, it is the social pedagogue, to whom they relate to trust and understanding, and the question of the correct organization in the school environment of sexual education of the person from the side of pedagogical workers, especially social educators, practical psychologists, class leaders is archivious. The prospects of further researches, in particular, development of the integral system of sexual education of pupils in the conditions of a comprehensive institution and experimental verification of its effectiveness, studying the peculiarities of the work of the social pedagogue in the sexual education of children with disabilities are presented.
Key words: gender education; general educational institution; sexual culture; sex education; social pedagogue.
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Bordyug Yulia, PhD Student, Kremenchug Mikhail Ostrogradsky National University, 20 Pershotravneva Str., 39600 Kremenchuk, Ukraine,
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The article is devoted to the actual problem of preschool special (corrective) education – providing quality educational services for children who have special educational needs in the system of modern preschool education. It is dedicated into the problem of using interactive methods for educators’ readiness to work with the children who have special educational needs. The actual problem of education is highlighted; it is provision of equal rights and opportunities for preschool children who have violations in psychophysical development.
The aim of the article is to present the results of the research on the model of the formation educators’ readiness in special groups of preschool education institutions to provide correctional and developmental services (assistance).
The essence of methodical work, goals and tasks regarding the readiness of educators to work with the children who have special educational needs are determined. It is emphasized on the need to create appropriate conditions for the development, education, upbringing, early rehabilitation and socialization of children who have special educational needs. The introduction of interactive adult learning methods opens up new opportunities for educators: to share experiences and ideas; to save time; to refine already existing content; to create conditions for mastering of new content, new pedagogical and professional innovative technologies; actualization of the creative potential of educators working with children who have special educational needs.
The article presents the results of the research, which are aimed at substantiating the influence of interactive lessons on the formation of the readiness of educators to work with children in conditions of special groups of preschool education. The goals and objectives of using of interactive technologies in pedagogical practice and methodical work with educators working with the children who have special educational needs are defined.
Key words: children who have special educational needs; correction-development work; interaction; interactive methods; methodical work; model; person-oriented environment; professional competence.
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Lozynska Svitlana, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor оf Preschool and Primary Education Department, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 7 Tuhan-Baranovskoho Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Sasyk Oksana, Master’s Degree Student оf Preschool and Primary Education Department, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 7 Tuhan-Baranovskoho Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine,
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This article considers the educational value of toys. Folk toys are, on the one hand, a model, an outline of life, on the other – a source of joy, cheerfulness, well-being. The role of folk toys in the moral and aesthetic education was justified and analyzed. Folk toy is one of the most effective means of aesthetic, physical and mental development of children. The selection of folk toys, which should be based on age peculiarities of the child was discovered. The main functions of folk toys were characterized.
Folk toy is a heritage like a mother tongue, tales, songs. Folk toys carry children’s love, highlighted in child’s play. Folk toy carries the artistic culture of folk art, develops unique features of its people aesthetics.
The use of folk toys in kindergarten, in the family, diversifies the gaming activities of children, help them to enrich, expand the world cognition and its people, develop its classical skills for national, economic and social culture.
Formation of knowledge about the folk toy is based on the perception of children’s cognitive, aesthetic, moral, emotional content, an adequate understanding of its cultural and historical significance.
National toy stands in the pedagogical process as a type of artistic creation that combines the material and spiritual achievements. Toys are a special type of artistic creation that integrates various types of folk art, combining the material and spiritual achievements of the Ukrainian culture, contributes to the formation of creatively active person, successor of folk traditions.
The metaphorical and imagery aspect of toy makes it a panacea for social adaptation to a particular stage of human development, for conveying, assimilation and revival of material and spiritual folk culture, while other means are inaccessible.
Key words: children of preschool age; development; education; folk toy; formation; personality.
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Savchin Alexander, Lecturer of the Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education Department, State Higher Educational Institution «Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University», 30 Sukhomlinsky Str., 08401 Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine,
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The article gives an analysis of problems of formation of skills in children of the senior preschool age to build stories of different types. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of psycho-pedagogical and special literature, based on the main definition of «building a story», a subordinate term is formulated in relation to the topic of the study: «building stories of different types» The psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of sustainable skills of creation and expedient use of stories of different types in children of the senior preschool age are revealed and substantiated. The components, criteria, indicators and levels of formation of abilities to build a different type of narration in children of the sixth year of life are determined. The stages of formation of persistent skills for building different types of stories by senior preschoolers are singled out.
The lack of effective pedagogical technologies in relation to the formation of skills in the children of the senior preschool age to build and expedient use of narration of comprehensive typing significantly reduces the effective preparation of children to school.
The proposed pedagogical and motivational technology for the formation of children of the sixth year of a sustainable ability to create stories of various types provides the small person an effective communicative tool, which will definitely promote its self-realization both in school environment and in career, society, own life.
The prospects for further research are outlined, such independent types of stories are presented as a story - an instruction and a story - a presentation.
Key words: author pedagogical motivational technology; coherent speech; coacher; facilitation environment; modern computer gadgets; monologic speech; narrative-instruction; stories of all types; story-presentation; tutor.
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