№3, 2018





Dereka Tetiana, Lyashenko Valentyna, Tumanova Valentyna , Hatsko Elena


Vinnyk Nataliia


Afanasenko Larisa


Voloshyna Valentyna


Gorban Galina





Kutishenko Valentina, Stavytska Svitlana


Drobot Olha, Lozova Olha




Karelin Pavlo




Taran Oksana


Kraieva Oksana





Khlon Alexander


Vlasenko Inna


Nykonenko Ludmila


Pedko Kateryna


Dereka Tetiana,Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Physical Culture Theory and Methodology Department, Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, 87 Romenska Str., 40002 Sumy, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Lyashenko Valentyna, Ph.D. (Physical Education and Sports), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str, 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Tumanova Valentyna, Senior Lecturer of Sports and Fitness Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Hatsko Elena, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str,04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

The article defines the differences in the psychological characteristics of students of institutions of higher education (boys and girls). The personal manifestations of individual peculiarities of mental qualities and temperament in boys and girls are investigated. The study used a conversation and psychodiagnostic testing. The age range of the subjects is 18–20 years, the number – 29 people. The study revealed significant differences in the manifestation of personal qualities of aggressiveness and rigidity.Young men are more pronounced aggressiveness, self-confidence, low neuroticism and extraversion, and the girls, an increased level of neuroticism, rigidity and in most introversion. The development of a student's personality while studying at higher education institutions at different courses has its own specificity. Students of the second year of study are observed – the period of the most intense academic activity. The life of second-year students is intensively included in all forms of education and upbringing. Students receive general training, their broad cultural needs and needs are formed, and the process of adaptation to a higher education institution is mostly completed. Students of boy’s high confidence (10.3 points) and aggressiveness (12 points), girls, second-year students of high rates of anxiety (11.3 points) and neuroticism (10.1 points). In girls, there is a tendency to increased anxiety, vulnerability, neuroticism. The boys have increased emotionality, aggression, self-confidence and low rigidity; they are more adaptable to environmental changes and adapt to circumstances, as opposed to girls who are more likely to experience difficulties changing behavioral stereotypes and react more slowly to external stimuli.
Key words:  anxiety;  extroversion;  introversion;  neuroticism;  students.


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Vinnyk Nataliia, PhD (Psychology), Senior Researcher, Senior Lecturer of General, Age and Pedagogical Psychology Chair, Institute of Human Sciences, Kyiv Borys Grinchenko University, 18/2 I. Shamo Blvd., Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

The article provides a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of «personal maturity». Personal maturity is defined as a dynamic process of learning new values, making responsible choices, unconditional acceptance of other people, objective awareness of the normative-values image of oneself, the ability to reflect personal qualities, one’s own actions, and the ability for moral self-control of interactions.  
There are presented a diagnostic method and empirical results of the study. The empirical research was being conducted with authored method of N. Vinnyk. For that the Y. Gilbuh personal maturity questionnaire has been modified and tested. The method consists of five scales: achievement motivation, attitudes towards one’s «I» (the «I» concept), sense of civic duty, life attitude, the ability for psychological proximity with another person. It was stated that although most students have satisfactory level of personal maturity, quantitative analysis of separate scales has revealed significant shortcomings. So the scale that assesses the «I»-concept, which presents such important characteristics of a person as self-confidence, satisfaction with their own abilities, personality, and their competence have the lowest scores. This was also confirmed by the unstable «too low» life attitude of students.  
It was noted that the students’ personal maturity is interrelated with their professional self-realization. Activation of formation of the personal maturity of students is possible in conditions of organization of purposeful cognitive activity, in which individual, group and collective forms of work are combined, aimed at the content of awareness and development of responsibility, independence, self-control, emotional maturity, goal-setting and professional self-realization.
Key words: personal maturity;  professional self-realization; self-knowledge; self-understanding;  self-determination.


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Afanasenko Larisa, Ph.D. (Psychology), Associate Professor of Social Work and Psychology Department, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 19 General Rodimtsev Str., 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


In the article provided the research results of component indicators that define the professional identity of agrarian students while the period of training and education. Empirical data defined the determinant biographical indicators that influence the formation of professional self-identification, namely, positive experience of the student’s work in the agricultural sector and the positive emotional and appraisal of the individual’s view of the future profession formed on the basis of monitoring the professional activities of specialists in the agricultural sector. It is revealed that professional self-identification is a product of long-term personal and professional development, which appears in the process of professional activity and obtaining professional experience. 
There are also defined the determining curriculum parameters of professional identity and the scheme of professional identity components of agrarian students according to the training course. Presented the basic mechanisms of professional identity of the individual. Examined that the problem underlying the process of professional self-determination, which implies a deliberate act of career choices based on activation of the internal potential of the individual. Discovered professional identity as a semantic condition of professionalism formation that reflects the level of mastery by the human of the psychological structure of professional activity and providing of natural quality of self-realization. The notion was defined by serving an indicator of the internal maturity of the individual as a manifestation of professional identity, providing some stabilizing functions of socialization and integration of subject-object relations in professional activities.
Key words:  expert-agrarian;  professional identity;  professional training.

Afanasenko, L. A. (2012). Problema aktyvizaciyi profesijnoyi samoidentyfikaciyi studentiv agrarnogo profilyu v umovax profesijnoyi pidgotovky [Problem enhance the professional identity of students of agrarian profile in terms of training]. Pedagogika ta psykhologiya, 4 (77), 30–35 (ukr).

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Voloshyna Valentyna, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Advisory Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 9 Pirogov Str., 01601 Kiev, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


  The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical study of the peculiarities of the professional training of future psychologists and discloses the essence of the axiological model of this process in a higher educational institution.  The main goal of professional training of future specialists is to understand social-normative, personal, professional values and development of their value consciousness in general. Realization of this goal in the framework of higher professional education, in particular in the field of psychological training of future specialists, requires the development and implementation of innovative psychological technologies for the development of stable integrated personal and professional competences in them. The choice of specialization should be realized on the basis of the student’s realization of the value of the personality of the «I» as a psychologist and, most of all, the belief in his own will and the possibility to provide psychological help to others. Under the condition of realization of its own system of values, understanding of possibilities, desires and opportunities, such a choice of person does not create difficulties for the future specialist, refreshes the feeling of integrative integrity, self-esteem and self-sufficiency. Difficulties are created as a result of the personal uncertainty of axiology, with an indefinite state of identity, a low level of self-interest and self-understanding, an external explanation of the student’s professional activity, etc. By choosing a specialization, the student forms the prospects of the axiology of professional identity, she gives a dominant position, precisely the exact professional values that most represent his personality feelings in professional activity. Taking into account the above, we have developed and implemented an axiological model for the training of future psychologists whose goal is to form an integral professional value in them and to increase their quality in accordance with the structure of values, personal qualities and abilities.

Key words:axiological model;  future psychologist;  integral of professional value;  psychological technology;  professional training;  professional values.

Voloshyna, V. V. (2015). Psykholohichni tekhnolohii pidhotovky maibutnikh psykholohiv. Monohrafiia [Psychological technologies for the training of future psychologists. Monograph]. Vinnytsia, Ukraine: TOV «Nilan – LTD» (ukr).
Pesha, A. V., Koropec, O. A. (2017). Podhody k ocenke effektivnosti treningovogo vozdejstvija v otechestvennyh i zarubezhnyh issledovanijah [Approaches to assessing the effectiveness of training impact in domestic and foreign research]. Psihologija i Psihotehnika. № 3. C. 44–52. doi: 10.7256/2454-0722.2017.3.23746 (rus).
Selivanov, V. V., Selivanova, L. N. (2014). Model sistemy nepreryvnogo psihologicheskogo obrazovanija [The model of the system of continuous psychological education]. Nepreryvnoe obrazovanie: XXI vek, 1,3–11. doi: 10.15393/j5.art.2014.2242 (rus).
Rotman, D. G., Danilov, A. N., Bulynko, D. M., Vodneva, A. K., Filinskaja, L. V., Kuleshov, A. A., … Danilova, E. A. (2013). Cennostnyj mir sovremennogo cheloveka: Belarus’ i ee sosedi v mezhdunarodnyh proektah po izucheniju cennostej[The Value World of Modern Man: Belarus and Its Neighbors in International Projects on the Study of Values]. Minsk, Belarus: BGU. Retrieved from http://elib.bsu.by/handle (rus).

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Gorban Galina, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Psychology, Zaporizhzhia National University, 118 Gogolya Str., 69095 Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The article grounds the role of the qualitative interaction of a practical psychologist of an educational institution with a teacher as a subject of the educational space in the conditions of updating the educational system in accordance with the requirements of the time. There have been determined the problem areas for building effective professional activity of a teacher who is the agent of creating a developing and safe educational space for an educational institution and the effectiveness of educational reform. The necessity of psychological accompaniment of the teacher's activity dealing with conscious changes of his or her attitude towards their own profession has been shown as well as towards their own pedagogical experience, stereotypes and traditions formed over the years. Actual here is the need to develop a psychological readiness for independent thinking, the ability to rethink the existing knowledge and the forms and methods of its presentation, the development of flexibility and breadth of views, the active development of new values and conditions for social interaction. It has been noted that the qualitative realization of the main goal of a practical psychologist’s activity – that is the assistance in creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational space – is possible thanks to systematic work not only with individual students but by concentrating on work with pedagogical staff; the teacher creates, changes and constructs a comfortable and safe educational space. The necessity of formation in such conditions of the psychologist’s readiness to direct and constant cooperation with the teacher for solving the existing problems has been grounded. It is shown that in this context it is important to develop methods for the work of a psychologist with a teacher and purposeful practical training of psychologists in higher educational institutions for such work.

Key words: co-operation;  educational space;  professional activity;  psychological culture;  psychologist of an educational institution;  self-realization.

Haponenko, L. O. (2012). Subiektno-refleksyvna model profesiinoi vzaiemodii praktychnoho psykholoha z vchytelem [Subject-reflexive model of professional interaction practical psychologist with teachers]. Visnyk Odeskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Psykholohiia. Vol. 17, Issue 8, 38–46 (ukr).
Haponenko, L. O. (2016). Yednist refleksyvnoho spilkuvannia ta dialohu: teoriia i praktyka [Unity of reflexive communication and internal dialogue: theory and practice] Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii, 33, 116–127 (ukr).
Kokun, O. M. (2012) Psykholohiia profesiinoho stanovlennia suchasnoho fakhivtsia : monohrafiia [Psychology of professional formation of a modern specialist]. Kyiv, Ukraine: DP «Informatsijno-analitychne ahentstvo» (ukr).
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Ruda, H. V. (2013). Rozvytok hotovnosti praktychnoho psykholoha do vzaiemodii z pedahohichnym kolektyvom shkoly [Development of the readiness of the practical psychologist to interact with the pedagogical staff of the school]: Candidate’s thesis: 19.00.07. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).
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Kutishenko Valentina, PhD (Psychology), Assistant Professor of General, Developmental and Educational Psychology Department, Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,18/2 I. ShamoBlvd, 02154 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Stavytska Svitlana, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Head of the Department of General and Social Psychology and Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychology, National Pedagogical M. P. Dragomanov University, 20 Saratovskaya Str., 04111 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The article reveals the results of the study of the peculiarities of the individual religiosity of future psychologists. Presented are peculiarities of religious self-identity and types of religious orientation of future psychologists, their attitude to the requirements of traditional religion, the foundations of doctrine and religious literature, the views of those who are being studied on a believer, as well as the structure of their individual religiosity. Analyzed, established by the authors, three religious orientations of future psychologists. The first is the traditional religious orientation with the domination of external religiosity, which is characterized by a superficial understanding of theological doctrine. The basic religious provisions and dogma remain out of the attention of such students and do not form the value system that they really want to be guided in their lives. A significant number of students are committed to non-traditional religiosity with an interest in magic rituals and occultism, to non-traditional transpersonal subjects. Their individual religiosity is a synthesis of faith in magic rituals and occultism and curiosity about mysterious phenomena, as well as certain philosophical concepts. For the third orientation of students, the tendency to combine traditional religiosity with non-traditional, religious beliefs of such students is eclectic, since they combine the views of various religious schools with a strong commitment to adherence to Christian traditions, but such students prefer the extra-church search for contact with the divine. This state of affairs causes concern to the authors, because the success of the future psychologist will necessarily affect his outlook settings, spiritual values and beliefs. The results require additional research into the problem of individual religiosity of future psychologists and close attention to this problem by all those involved in the training of future specialists in the field of psychology.

Key words: eclecticism of religious representations;  external religiosity;  individual religiosity;  internal religiosity;  religious orientation.


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Drobot Olha, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Professor of Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education, National Aviation University, 1 Kosmonavta Komarova Ave, 03065 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.  
Lozova Olha, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Head of the Department of Practical Psychology, Institute of Human Sciences, Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudryavska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The cognitive-personal features of patients diagnosed with breast cancer were studied, i.e. the degree of severity of post-traumatic reactions, the level of actual and personal anxiety, basic personal attitudes relating to the self-image and the surrounding world; the presence of depressive symptoms. As a result, individual post-traumatic stress reactions were highlighted, with distress reaching the level corresponding to the clinical picture of post-traumatic stress disorder. Subjects were registered with subdepression, i.e. pessimistic assessment of events and the self, the reduction of working capacity. Most patients have high rates of situational anxiety. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of patients do not exhibit high levels of personal anxiety. 
Methodology used: Mississippi Scale (MS, Mississippi Scale, Keane et al., 1988); Spalberger-Khanin's Scale of Situational and Personality Anxiety; Scale of basic beliefs (World Assumption Scale, WAS, Janoff-Bulman, 1982); Beck Depression Inventory (Depression Inventory, BDI, Beck & Steer, 1987). 
The results demonstrated that basic beliefs of patients have the following specificity: predominantly negative image of the self and the world, confidence in their own failure, inability to control the occurring events. Women suffer from decreasing sense of the value and significance of their selves. The world and surrounding people are perceived as unfriendly, dangerous and untrustworthy, probably due to the quality of social support and the attitude of others as a result of the disease. Thus, the variability of the psychological consequences of the disease and peculiarities of individual responses to the stress is most likely related not to the effectiveness of the treatment (all women in these sample have successfully completed the treatment), but rather to the personal and cognitive characteristics of patients, their basic beliefs and conceptions.

Key words: basic beliefs;  breast cancer;  post-traumatic stress syndrome.


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Tsyhanchuk Tatiana, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor of Applied Psychology, Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2, I. Shamo Blvd, 02154 Kyiv, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The purpose of the article is to define the role and mechanisms of psychological defense in the structure of emotional intelligence.
The concept and components of emotional intelligence, their relationship with types of psychological defenses are discussed in this article.
The development of components of emotional intelligence is considered as an important condition for the professional work of future psychologists.
The relevance of a subject of a research was determined that for psychology of the increasing value get a research of those mental spheres to which enough attention wasn’t paid early. Such situation often contacts with absence of approved and validization of techniques, duration of researches in time, technical capabilities of the researcher.
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the mechanisms of psychological defense in students. Mechanisms of psychological protection were determined using the questionnaire Plucchik – Kellerman Conte «Index of Life Style». The authors identified eight basic mechanisms of psychological protection: displacement, regression, substitution, negation, projection, compensation, hypercompensation, rationalization.Correlation study showed the connection of components of emotional intelligence with types of psychological defense, such as displacement, regression, substitution, negation, projection, compensation, hypercompensation, rationalization. It was revealed that when the mechanisms of psychological defense increase, the level of understanding and management of emotions decreases.
Prospect of further researches is theoretical definition of those mental branches to which enough attention still wasn’t paid. It is also relevant an interesting question of development of qualitative tools of a research. At the same time the special attention has to be paid to features of the Ukrainian mentality and a social perspective of society.
Key words:  emotion;  emotional intelligence;  management of emotions;  projection;  psychological defense.


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Karelin Pavlo, Postgraduate Student, Institute for Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences, 15 Andriivska Str., 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The article proves the expediency of usage of experimental scheme PERSON-X-ENVIRONMENT in social-psychological empirical research, that studies how psychological boundaries of personality function in communication. Based on the short review of some modern studies about psychological boundaries, we noticed among them only a small quantity of social-psychological empirical studies. We demonstrate that psychological boundaries are a bi-determined formation that is influenced by dispositional and situational factors. We analyze ways of creating a research plan that helps to increase its reliability and validity in general. We describe advantages of using the PxE scheme in the studies of subject-object mental formations. Using the example of our dissertation research that studies how a person establishes his or her own psychological boundaries in different communicative contexts we created two-factor correlation 2X4 scheme with multidimensional dependent variable. We provide ways to increase reliability and internal validity of the experimental PxE scheme with the means of primary control. We describe methods of increasing constructional validity through creating theoretical model and organizing a psychodiagnostic instrumentarium. We define principles and some methodic techniques of formation of empirical panels for our pilot research and main research. Also, we included a list of relevant methods of mathematical-statistical analysis of empirical research results that correspond with two-dimensional nature of PxE scheme. We mention that for an adequate study of psychological boundaries of a personality, taking their nature into consideration, in social-psychological research about interpersonal processes it is most relevant and methodologically proven to use PxE scheme. We define other possibilities of PxE scheme usage in social-psychological research of psychological boundaries of a personality. 

Key words: communication;  experimental scheme;  psychological boundaries of personality;  validity.


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Taran Oksana, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Special Psychology, Corrective and Inclusive education, Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 I. Shamo Boulevard, Kyiv, Ukraine,  Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The author has analyzed the issue of professional readiness of students of psycho-pedagogical specialties to work with children. It was emphasized the importance of qualitative training of higher education graduates to productive interaction with children in pre-school, general, special and inclusive educational institutions. The results of the survey of students about their emotional attitude to children with typical development and children with special educational needs, as well as on the personal competences of professional interaction with children, are presented and interpreted. It is found that future specialists are positive about children, but they lack experience of interaction with children with peculiarities of psychophysical development. Future specialists are clearly aware of the basic principles of successful interaction with children and determine the professional characteristics of a specialist who will facilitate contact with the child through interest and affinity, will provide productive interaction with her through knowledge and experience, will form a trusting relationship with the child through the ability of a specialist to listen, hear, and understand.
Also, future specialists understand the complexity of interaction with children because of their spontaneity, spontaneity and unpredictability. They are self-critical and indicate the need for them to develop the following professional qualities, namely experience and knowledge, self-confidence, emotional stability and patience, a certain severity, as the ability to set limits and rules for working with children. The priority directions of training of competitive specialists of psychological and pedagogical sphere are determined.
Key words: children with special educational needs;  emotional attitude to children;  inclusive education;  professional competences;  professionally important qualities;  specialists in the psychological and pedagogical sphere.


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Kraieva Oksana, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor of Department of Practical Psychology, Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Blvd. І. Shamo, 02154 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


In the offered article near implementation of attempt of theoretical justification of aspects of manifestation of crisis of identity of persons of teenage age, results of an empirical research of psychological signs of crisis of identity and its indicators in the period of public uncertainty are presented.
Definition of a concept crisis of identity is considered as the conflict between elements of component structure of identity that at a stage of crisis of identity is developed around transition from a form of children's identity to acquisition and understanding of the acquired her qualitatively new form. The research of psychological signs and features of manifestation of crisis of identity of teenage age is chosen the purpose of article.
Empirical results of crisis aspects of identity are given behind the defining level  self-relations teenagers and behind the level of contradictions of component structure of identity of the faces embodied in them «Self-Concept» at a stage of experience of crisis of identity. The scheme of dynamics of change of identity is provided. It is emphasized that crisis of identity is loss of actually previously acquired form of children's identity, at the expense of a disorientation of the teenager and reduction to system search of new components to his «Self-image», on condition of their coordination with an identification matrix of the person.
It is claimed that crisis of identity understands as a concept: first of all, change of an identification matrix which leads to difficulty and violation of identifications of the individual; aggravation of contradictions between «Real-Self» and «ldeal-Self».
As a result of a research the main differences in structure of identity of teenagers of thirteen and fourteen years at a stage of crisis of identity are revealed and indicators of crisis of identity of teenagers of the studied groups are allocated.
Keywords: contradictions «Self-Image»; «Ideal-Self»;  identity;  identity crisis;  «Real-Self»;  Self-relations; «Self».
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Khlon Alexander,PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Kyiv National Trade and Economic University, 19 Kioto Str., 02156 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The study of the role of fundamental values in the formation of sense of justice is an important and relevant topic. The purpose of the study is to comprehensively consider the problems of values in youth, to determine how they affect to the formation of the sense of justice of the younger generation, and to study its role in the process of such formation.
Values acquire value forms based on the psychological presentation of a person about the value of things or other objects of the material or intangible world. Values can be understood as a complex conception of human or group human about phenomena, rules, norms, processes, results, objects or other creation that are important to such a person or group of people and in one way or another to influence to this person or group of people.  
The process of forming the values of a young person begins with the emergence of needs. The needs determine desire, motivation, aspiration, which in the future leads to a subjective conception of value. Values that are related to the ideals of society will be called spiritual values.
The modern young generation will persevere attention in focusing on the ideals of spiritual enrichment. At the same time, such a process is not possible without clear guarantees of satisfaction for young people in the first place basic needs. Sense of justice as a means of preventive persuasion, which will contribute to the prevention of crimes only because of the possibility and inevitability of punishment for them, will not fully fulfill its function. The inner conviction is important, as it acts as the reliable guarantor of the sense of justice behavior, which in the future will result in a positive attitude toward the right standards in the young man, and therefore very relevant is the orientation towards the harmonious combination of the young man's aspirations to the formation of values as spiritual as well as others.
A clear and well-considered policy aimed at creating and maintaining right values will contribute to the successful formation of sense of justice among young people, which in turn will lead to the prosperity of our country.
Key words: behavior;  motivation;  sense of justice;  values;  youth.


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Vlasenko Inna, Ph.D. (Psychology), Senior Lecturer at the Chair of General, Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology, Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,18/2 Shamo Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


This study aims at describing the methodological basis of education course «Mediation psychological practices» worked and implemented by author for graduate students of specialty of «Psychology». Mediation is an alternative procedure used to resolve conflicts in different spheres such as in-corporate disagreement, family and work-related relationship, projects supporting. The author first presents the theoretical and practice oriented parts as well as students’ individual work.

A key idea in introducing the training course was to implement dialogue as a means of solving the problems of personality in relationships.The main idea of the course is to develop the conflictological competence as well as skills aimed at solving conflicts and organizing the cooperation of participants of the conflict. The components of the course are a theoretical, practical-oriented block and independent work.Such skills can be developed by using role plays, situations’ analysis, dialogue practices, training technologies, individual projects implementing. Students also practiced at formulating questions according to the stage of mediation, active listening, self-understanding by reflection using. All these steps were directed to develop students’ communication skills. Especially effective practices were presented by modelling mediation situations and organizing the meeting with experienced mediator.

The author used group discussion for students to understand the controversial behaviour of participants of the conflict and detecting individual and group bias. Also it is described the author’s experiments assigning students to prepare mini-trainings aimed to develop skills important in mediation procedure as regulation of emotional  tension, communicating  skills, ability of non-evaluating attitude.

Keywords: conflictological competence;  education course;  mediation;  skills.


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Nykonenko Liudmila, Junior Researcher of Laboratory for Psychology of Political-Legal Relations, Institute for Social and Political Psychology, National Academy of Educational Sciences, 15 Andriivska Str., 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The author has analyzed the issue of factor structure of receiving the information of political and legal content by students and their trust to them. The results of the empirical research of factor structures of using the sources of political and legal content by students and students trust them are presented. It is found that students often apply to sources with minimal social distance for receive information (social networks, thematic Internet sites, friends and acquaintances, family members). The least they use information from methodologists of educational work, church ministers and activists from religious communities.

The six-factor model of using sources is reconstructed, which includes scales: 1) obtaining information from the main subjects of political and legal interaction; 2) receiving information from the media; 3) obtain information from university functionaries; 4) receiving information from students; 5) sources with a minimum social distance; 6) receiving information from religious organizations.

Most students trust the family members, friends, acquaintances; teachers representatives of civil society. Anti-trust is politicians, activists of political parties, representatives of the authorities. A five-factor model has been constructed, which includes the following scales: 1) trust in representatives of the educational environment of university; 2) trust in the media; 3) trust in a close environment; 4) trust in representatives of civil society; 5) trust in the authorities. Empirical studies of the full cycle of intrapsychological processes of information processing of political and legal content from the moment of familiarization with it until the decision of the person to trust will be important.

Key words: information of political and legal content;  military conflict between Russia and Ukraine;  students;  trust in information.


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Pedko Kateryna, PhD Student, Institute for Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences, 15 Andriivska Str., 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The theoretical analysis of the concept of social capital and the scientific status of the problem of internally displaced persons (hereinafter «IDPs») are presented. The concept of social activity of the personality, which is investigated through social activity, social adaptability and social autonomy is highlighted. The theoretical and methodological and organizational principles of the study of the influence of social activity on the social capital of internally displaced persons have been developed.

A two-factor dispersion analysis was conducted. Two independent variables are allocated, namely: one independent variable - the fact of moving, the second - social activity. The first independent variable has two conditions: 1 - IDPs, 2 - persons who have not changed their place of residence. The second independent variable, too, has two conditions: 1 - low level of social activity, 2 - high level of social activity.

It is revealed that the greatest influence of social activity is observed on indicators of resources of the public sphere of the IDPs: social-professional resource, resource of social institutes and international resource. In order to increase the resources related to professional activity and civic engagement of IDPs, it is necessary to review their own attitude towards participation in joint activities with the environment. After all, focusing on its own position in joint actions prevents them from reproducing specified resources of the public sphere.

It has been established that social activity has a significant impact on the indicators of the international resource of IDPs. So for the accumulation of the specified resource they see the need to increase their own social activity. However, at the same time, the results of the dispersion analysis indicate that the situation of forced migration has already led to the accumulation and mobilization of social ties associated with citizens living outside Ukraine.

Keywords:  internally displaced persons;  resource;  social activity;  social capital.


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