Tsaregradskaya Tatiana, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of General Physics of the Faculty of Physics, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University,
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Creation and introduction into the educational process at the preparatory departments for foreign students of the structurally-content model of training for the first courses of medical and biological institutions of higher education increases the efficiency of integration of students into the new language and professional space. The methodological substantiation and description of the methodical units of this model are considered by the authors in the conditions of ensuring continuity in the content, forms and methods of teaching, taking into account the links between the teaching processes of the preparatory departments, the first courses of institutions of higher education and the peculiarities of the foreign educational systems adopted in the countries where the average foreign students' education. The result of the creation and implementation of such a model in the educational process will be the cognitive-communicative and linguistic readiness of foreign students to study at medical-biological universities. The problem of communicative-professional training of foreign students is analyzed, the model of their training in the preparatory departments and first courses of institutions of higher education of the medical-biological profile of training is developed taking into account the principle of continuity as a multifunctional and multidimensional manifestation of this concept in the study of physics. It has been shown that the purposeful and consistent implementation of the considered stages of the formation of the model of training of foreign students taking into account the succession in the study of physics and other disciplines will contribute to the integral formation of vocational-speaking knowledge and their readiness to study at medical universities. To implement a communicative-oriented model of studying foreign students, it is necessary to create a complex of differentiated teaching aids, methodological developments for independent work, taking into account future professional training.

Key words:  interdisciplinary communications;  foreign students;  model of preparation of students for study in higher education institutions of medical-biological profile;  succession in study.


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