Myhnovetskaja Iryna, Postgraduate Student, Department of Education for Children with Intellectual Disabilities, Institute of Special Pedagogy, The National Academy of Educatinal Sciences of Ukraine, 9 Berlynskogo Str., 04060 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The article substantiates the importance of social development of preschool children with Down syndrome, considers the indicators of social development of children with intellectual deficiency on the parameters of social competence of normally developing children of preschool age (according to A. Zakrepina), the concept of the difficulties of social development in pre-school children with Down syndrome has been proved, proved the importance of social development in the context of an inclusive group with an interpretation for further socialization in society. It is revealed that for the positive dynamic development of children with Down syndrome, it is necessary to take into account the influence of all factors of social development. The adequate level of social development of children with Down syndrome is a prerequisite for successful socialization in society and the formation of new and lasting contacts with others in order to meet their own needs and aspirations. Without properly organized and systematic work on social development in children with Down syndrome, its level remains fairly low. To implement the above, one needs to study social development in more detail and to know what indicators should be oriented when working on it, to correctly carry out the diagnosis of social development for orientation in the levels of its formation, to take into account all aspects of social development for the implementation of systematic influence. It was also determined that children with Down syndrome are trying to adequately perceive themselves and orient themselves in situations that arise, they show interest in contact with others and seek to develop with the help of available methods and means.

 Key words: children with Down syndrome;  level of social development;  inclination;  socialization.


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