- №1-2, 2018
- Bondar Volodymyr, Bozhok Oleksandra
- Kulyk Olena
- Batechko Nina
- Durdas Alla
- Kuzemko Lesya, Moisak Olexandr
- Kalenyk Olexandr, Tsaregradska Tatiana
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Tkachenko Tamila
- Оshurkevych Nataliia
- Ushakov Artem
- Bovt Alona
- Blazhevych Vasyl
- Papushina Valentyna
- Stambulska Tetiana
- Zhuravleva Larisa
- Palchykova Oleksandra
- Huliak Oksana
- Vavilina Svitlana
- Kulbashna Yaroslava, Zakharova Valeriia
- Sereda Iryna
- Myhnovetska Iryna
- Leschii Nataliia
- Stashuk Olga
- Усі сторінки
Kulyk Olena, Ph. D (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Ukrainian Linguistics and Methods of Education Department, SHEI «Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical Grogorii Skovoroda University», 30 Sukhomlynskogo Str., 08401Pereialav-Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine,
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To cite this article:
Kulyk O. (2018) The auxiliary approaches to teaching in speech development of the 5th–9th grades students in the course of teaching the word-building system of Ukrainian. The Pedagogical Process: Theory and Practice , 1-2, 15-21. DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2018.1-2.1522
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The article highlights and analyzes the communicative-cognitive, functional-stylistic, text-centered and research approaches to teaching the Ukrainian language. The paper substantiates the viability of distinguishing them as auxiliary (in regard to the key approaches as stipulated in the State Standard of Basic and Comprehensive Secondary Education) and that ensuring effective speech development in secondary school students when teaching the word-building system of the Ukrainian language. In particular:
– the communicative-cognitive approach directs the learner’s activity to well-balanced acquisition of knowledge on the word-building system and the word-building text coherence; facilitates conscious operation of a system of word-building means; enables speech and mental development of the students; promotes enriching the speech with synonyms, antonyms, homonyms word-building units, including author’s units;
– the functional-stylistic approach facilitates the students’ understanding of text-building potential in word-building units of the language; enables development of their ability to practice associated speech and thinking activity, and planning their utterance in accordance with the intention; it also promotes development of skills in flexible use of word-building means depending on the type, genre and style of the utterance;
– the text-centered approach enables observation of language units of the word-building level in the text; allows for partial analysis of word-building units; conduct a linguistic experiment meant to comprehend the text-building and expressive capacity of word-building structures; enrich a person’s vocabulary with new word-building structures; create and put into practice a comprehensive system of exercises for in-depth study of word-building phenomena on the basis of a text;
– the research approach allows to broaden and deepen a person’s knowledge of word-building in its connection with grammar, as well as to improve word-building skills while working with more complicated learning material; to conduct an experiment to determine and assess semantic-stylistics and word-building functions of certain grammar forms; to prove or provide a logical negation of probable hypotheses concerning the specific nature of certain word-building phenomena; to analyze deliberate and casual deviations from the word-building standards; to provide evaluation of the previously gained speech experience.
It has been noted that it is inexpedient to concentrate attention on a single approach in the course of teaching, as the said approaches are mutually complementary.
Key words: approach to teaching; approach to language teaching; speech development; word-building system; students; the Ukrainian language.
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