- №1-2, 2018
- Bondar Volodymyr, Bozhok Oleksandra
- Kulyk Olena
- Batechko Nina
- Durdas Alla
- Kuzemko Lesya, Moisak Olexandr
- Kalenyk Olexandr, Tsaregradska Tatiana
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Tkachenko Tamila
- Оshurkevych Nataliia
- Ushakov Artem
- Bovt Alona
- Blazhevych Vasyl
- Papushina Valentyna
- Stambulska Tetiana
- Zhuravleva Larisa
- Palchykova Oleksandra
- Huliak Oksana
- Vavilina Svitlana
- Kulbashna Yaroslava, Zakharova Valeriia
- Sereda Iryna
- Myhnovetska Iryna
- Leschii Nataliia
- Stashuk Olga
- Усі сторінки
Vavilina Svitlana, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of Languages for Specific Purposes Department, Zaporizhzhya National University, 66 Zhukovskogo Str., 69600 Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
The article looks at the prospects of multilingual education in Ukraine. Upon examination of the number of government initiatives, it becomes clear that higher education of Ukraine is open for innovations that will allow Ukrainian students and graduates participate in academic and professional mobility within the European Community. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is one of the approaches that have been introduced to meet the needs of rapid internationalization in European universities. Its relevance to teaching languages for specific purposes has been shown by demonstrating the correlation between the main dimensions of this approach and the four components of professional intercultural communicative competence. The main focus is on the methods and techniques that a language teacher should be aware of in order to be able to teach in a language-sensitive way. To achieve this there must be a clear understanding of differences in acquiring basic interpersonal communicative skills and cognitive academic language proficiency. The implications are that the former can be acquired implicitly in the process of active learning, while the latter can be developed only with the use of cognitively demanding tasks. Thus, teacher language awareness requires metacognitive thinking that help teachers plan and teach their lessons efficiently. This research supports the argument that academic skills should be taught by means of scaffolding, an instructional technique of providing individual support that enables learners to build on prior knowledge and internalize new concepts. Therefore, under these conditions, CLIL teachers should certainly opt for explicit instruction and integrate this type of strategies into their classes.
Key words: basic interpersonal communicative skills; cognitive academic language proficiency; content and language integrated learning; intercultural communicative competence; languages for specific purposes; strategies.
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