Zhuravleva Larisa, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work, Social Pedagogy and Preschool Education, Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 20 Getmanska Str.,72312 Melitopol, Ukraine,
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In the article the author has carried out the scientific and theoretical analysis of the language and thinking unity in the speech activity of primary school children with dysgraphia. The relation between language and thinking in the historical and pedagogical retrospective has been researched. The author pays attention to the fact that due to its importance, the correlation of language and thinking has been and remains the subject of the study of philosophers of different epochs and countries. As a result, a number of leading trends in this sphere has been identified by the author.

 The content of the main concepts of the language and thinking correlation has been analyzed of primary school children and the dominant approaches have been singled out. It is noted that language and thinking form a dialectically contradictory unity, in which the language determines not only the nature and structure of thinking, but also the very nature of objective action reflection. Thinking and language are inseparably linked types of social activity, which differ in their essence and specific features.

 The unity of speech and language is confirmed by the fact that language is a means of communication and speech, and at the same time it is a means, an instrument of thinking in the process of performing speech activity.

 The author proves the viewpoint that speech and language, as different phenomena, are interconnected and interdependent. In the unity of speech and language, the dual nature of language as a human phenomenon is realized. This phenomenon performs certain functions in a human society, having the appropriate means at its disposal.

 The emphasis is put on the interrelation of language and thinking, as important features of intellectual development of primary school children with dysgraphia.

 Key words: dysgraphia;  language;  language system;  primary school children;  speech;  speech activity;  thinking.


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