Blazhevych Vasyl, Post-Graduate Student of the Department of Theory and Methodology Musical Art, Institute of the Arts, Kiev Boris Grinchenko University, 18/2 I. Shamo Blvd., 02152 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


This article covers the nuances of forming the specific performing skills of guitar students. Based on the research of predecessors and combining modern realities guitar performing arts, the author made an effort to clearly define the specific formation of the most topical issues of performing skills among students in CMS. Special attention is paid to a wide concept (age, hands positions, etc.) and narrower (guitar notation, equipment of sound, etc.). Guitar as a musical instrument has become much more accessible and attractive to guitar players of any age, sex and aesthetic preferences than ever. Accepting the challenges of modern society, a new generation of educators has an active interest in the guitar by junior pupils. Relying on the grand experience of guitar performers, teachers and psychologists, as well as on the own scientific and practical experience of the author, this article attempts to describe the actual pedagogical problems of the formation of performing skills of junior pupils-guitarists.

Key words: coordination of movements;  guitar notation;  guitar performance;  junior school age;  performing skill tablature;  students of CMS.


Dunkan, Ch. (1988). Iskusstvo igryi na klassicheskoy gitare [A modern approach to classical guitar]. Moscow, Russia: Muzyika (rus).

Mykhailenko, M. P. (2011). Teoretychni osnovy formuvannia vykonavskoi maisternosti hitarysta [Theoretical foundations of the formation of the performance of the guitarist]. Candidate’s thesis: 17.00.03. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).

Samokhyna, M. A. (2005). Formyrovanye yspolnytelskykh umenyi y navykov uchashchykhsia detskoi muzykalnoi shkoly v klasse hytary [Formation of performing skills and habits of students of children's music school in guitar class]. Candidate’s thesis: 13.00.02. Moscow, Russia (rus).

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