Ushakov Artem, PhD (Pedagogics), Associate Professor, Postdoctoral Student, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, 59-a Central Pr., 93400 Severodonetsk, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The present article aims to identify the ideological component of the man of culture spiritualized image, deprived of any dubious biological load, taking into account such concepts as «man of culture», «spirituality», «worldview, image», «man of culture image». A special attention is paid to giving a general definition of man of culture spiritualized image. Using the term «man of culture spiritualized image», the author speaks of the man of culture as of a generalized type of the carrier of culture. Society desires this type of man, who transmits the best examples of it, serves it by his activity, and preserves it. By doing this, he makes all this real according to the principles of humanism and tolerance towards other cultures. Then, it is necessary to speak not only about the upbringing of man of culture, as a person who creates culture, who is its carrier, transmitter and custodian, that is, a person whose foundation is culture-genic creativity, but also about creating conditions for the transition of human culture formed in the semiosphere into a higher, ethical sphere. In this sphere, by adjusting to the ethical ideal, he can acquire a worldview through which he will be able to translate information from the semiotic form (the form of meanings) into the form of knowledge. In order to move to the level of the ethical sphere, it is required to be tuned for the perception of the ideal (creative). By doing this, the transition from the worldview to the outlook occurs – that is, from the adoption of information on the basis of biological, mechanical-cognitive and automatically-semiotic perception of signals to the analysis of this information in the context of the ethical ideal. It is in this way that the man of culture can acquire his spiritual image.

Prospects for further research consist in the application of the obtained results to the development of a topic related to the consideration of «man of culture spiritualized image» concept in the context of the educational process at a university level.

Key words: culture;  man of culture; man of culture spiritualized image;  spirituality;  worldview.


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