- №4, 2017
- Tarasenko Galyna
- Sokolova Iryna
- Ivaniuk Hanna
- Kalinichenko Nadiya
- Melnyk Nataliya
- Ivanitska Olga, Panchenko Alla, Panchenko Ganna
- Tymchuk Lyudmila
- Holota Nataliya
- Suheiko Lubov, Melnychuk Yuliia
- Spivakovska Eugenia, Kotkova Vіra
- Вabalich Victoria
- Dereka Tetiana
- Komisaryk Mariia, Balaieva Kateryna
- Petryk Lada
- Podcherniaieva Nataliia
- Valiuk Viktoriia
- Koshuk Oleksandr
- Marko Marina
- Kozak Luydmila
- Davidyuk Natalia, Oliynyk Maryia
- Loboda Olga
- Labunets Yuliia
- Solomakha Angelika
- Pluzhnyk Iryna
- Holovatenko Tetiana
- Perepeliuk Inna
- Zhang Xiaoxing
- Maievska Anastasiia
- Rakhmanova Oksana
- Усі сторінки
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