Melnyk Nataliya, PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Preschool Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 blv. I. Shamo, 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The article is devoted to the analyze of peculiarities of the terminological phrase «professional competence» in the context of scientific researches of modern Ukrainian and European researchers. The analytical and functional analyzes have been carried out to determine for the distinguishing of the phenomenon; the European and national approaches to the interpretation of «professional competence» are identified, and the essential difference in understanding of the concept by Ukrainian and European researchers is determined. It has been proved out, that the problem of professional competence in psychological and pedagogical literature, as well as the question of defining the concepts of «competence» and «competence», is complex and is considered in various aspects, at the present stage there are two main approaches to the study of the phenomenon. Supporters of the first approach consider professional competence as a system of knowledge of skills, which does not take into account the motivational sphere and the sphere of the needs of the individual. Representatives of another approach analyze professional competence from the point of view of involving a person in the common world of values in which a person realizes himself as a specialist, a professional. The result of the analysis has showed out that for European theory inherent is a pragmatic approach to the definition of professional competence, which consists in its understanding of how developed during professional training and the ability to perform professional functions and responsibilities. For domestic science, there is an understanding of the notion defined as the quality of the individual, which is formed by it due to volitional qualities and professional motivation.

Key words:  competence; professional competence;  professional development;  professional education.


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