Rakhmanova Oksana, Ph.D student, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 blv.I. Shamo, 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.



Color is considered as a physical phenomenon, which can cause a certain psychoemotional state of individual. Particular attention is paid to revealing the ideological conception of the artistic or musical work with the help of a color order. It is concluded that synesthesia in sound and color occurs unintentionally at different levels of human nervous activity (from instinct to intellectual actions), and sound and color affect the functions of the organism. Synesthesia is determine as the connection between the vegetative state of the organism, the sound nature of music and the expression form of synesthesia in the artistic and creative activity of younger school students. The interaction of music and color at the lessons of musical art is carried out in two forms: 1) combination of perception of musical and fine art works on the basis of commonness of heroes images, mood, style and genre of these works; 2) artistic and creative activity of children, children «draw music». The possibility of color self-expression in the process of listening to music allows younger school students to get in touch with their own body, experience strong emotions. In order to indicate this state the term «color and sound self-reflection» was introduced a special concentration that arises in the process of drawing music, and is fixed from the outside as a behavioral reaction to the unity and mutual influence of music and color. An important creative process is the color and music perception. It is considered as the ability to correlate the emotional content of music with the emotional expressiveness of color. This correlation is manifested in a specific artistic activity, in which, based on any components of the aesthetic consciousness (aesthetic emotions, interest, sense of taste, ideal conceptions of beauty), the formation of the emotional and value-based attitude of younger school students to the works of art as the basis of artistic culture is carried out.

Key words: artistic and creative synesthetic perception;  color;  integration;  music;  synesthesia;  younger school students.


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