- №4, 2017
- Tarasenko Galyna
- Sokolova Iryna
- Ivaniuk Hanna
- Kalinichenko Nadiya
- Melnyk Nataliya
- Ivanitska Olga, Panchenko Alla, Panchenko Ganna
- Tymchuk Lyudmila
- Holota Nataliya
- Suheiko Lubov, Melnychuk Yuliia
- Spivakovska Eugenia, Kotkova Vіra
- Вabalich Victoria
- Dereka Tetiana
- Komisaryk Mariia, Balaieva Kateryna
- Petryk Lada
- Podcherniaieva Nataliia
- Valiuk Viktoriia
- Koshuk Oleksandr
- Marko Marina
- Kozak Luydmila
- Davidyuk Natalia, Oliynyk Maryia
- Loboda Olga
- Labunets Yuliia
- Solomakha Angelika
- Pluzhnyk Iryna
- Holovatenko Tetiana
- Perepeliuk Inna
- Zhang Xiaoxing
- Maievska Anastasiia
- Rakhmanova Oksana
- Усі сторінки
Holovatenko Tetiana, lecturer of the Department of Foreign Language and their Methodologies, PhD student, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 blvd. I. Shamo, 02154 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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Kuchai, T. P. (2013) Modeli pidhotovky maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovykh klasiv u krainakh YeS, SShA ta Kanady [Future primary school teachers` training models in the EU, the USA and Canada] : navchalnyi posibnyk. Cherkasy, Ukraine: ChNU im. Bohdana Khmel’nyts’koho (ukr).
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Krystopchuk T. Ye. (2013). Pedahohichna osvita v krainakh Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu [Pedagogical education in the countries of the European Union]. S. O. Sysoieva (Ed.). Rivne, Ukraine: Volynsjki obereghy (ukr).
Protsko, Ye. (2015). Osnovni poniattia doslidzhennia problemy profesiinoi pidhotovky vchyteliv anhliiskoi movy v Belhii [The main concepts of the research of the professional training of English teachers in Belgium]. Pedahohichni nauky: teoriya, istoriya, innovatsiyni tekhnolohiyi, 3, 128–139 (ukr).
Protsko, Je. (2015). Osoblyvosti profesiinoi pedahohichnoi osvity Belhii [Peculiarities of professional teacher training in Belgium]. Porivnyal. –ped. studiyi, 1, 34–37 (ukr).
Protsko, Je. (2016). Profesiina pidhotovka vchyteliv anhliiskoi movy v Belhii [Professional English language teacher training in Belgium]: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis 13.00.04. Kirovoghrad (ukr).
Education in a Multilingual World (2003). Paris: UNESCO. Retrieved from: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001297/129728e.pdf (eng).
ECTS informatie – Vakken per type Erasmushogeschool Brussel (2017). Retrieved from: https://www.erasmushogeschool.be/ectsinfo (eng).
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European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice (2017). Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe – 2017 Edition. Eurydice Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Retrieved from http://doi:10.2797/839825 (eng).
Eurydice/CEDEFOP (2003). Structures of education, vocational training and adult education systems in Europe. Belgium (French community). Brussels: Eurydice European Unit. Retrieved from https://shelbycearley.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/ belgium-french-community.pdf (eng).
Kelly, M., Grenfell, M., Gallagher-Brett, A., Jones, D., Richard, L., & Hilmarsson-Dunn, A. (2002). The Training of Teachers of a Foreign Language: Developments in Europe. Southampton: European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture. Retrieved from: http://p21208.typo3server.info/fileadmin/content/assets/eu_language_policy/key_documents/studies/executive_summary_full_en.pdf (eng).
Trim, J. (2007). Modern languages in the council of Europe 1954-1997. Strasbourg: Language Policy Division. Retrieved from http://www.coe.int/t/DG4/.../ TRIM_21janv2007_ %20EN.doc (eng).
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