Holovatenko Tetiana, lecturer of the Department of Foreign Language and their Methodologies, PhD student, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 blvd. I. Shamo, 02154 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.  



The article dwells on the content, methods, and forms of multilingual education in Belgium. Considering the development of higher education in terms of the Bologna process and a necessity to reform the system of professional training in Ukraine it is highly important to study foreign experience. Due to the adoption of the law «On Education» (2017) universities have to prepare future teachers to teach in a multilingual society. Belgium, as one of the multilingual countries, consists of 4 language regions. They are French-speaking Wallonia, Dutch-speaking Flanders, German-speaking region on the east of Wallonia and Brussels capital region (divided between French- and Dutch-speaking communities). The study analyses the curriculum of the faculty of «Primary Education», Erasmus Hogeschool in Brussels. The main principles of the curriculum are an interactive approach, intersubject connections, individualization, and internalization. The interactive approach is realized in the dominant forms of work (training sessions, workshops, quests, team projects etc.). Intersubject connections can be noticed in every subject students study. For instance, studying Breed observeren (Deep observation), students learn how to watch children of different ages, how to notice the development of a child, study different types of observation. Moreover, students learn psychology and stereotypes in observation within this subject. Individualization in the pre-service teacher training is analyzed both on the curriculum and subject levels. On the curriculum level, students can choose some optional subjects within the core of overall credits. On the subject level students have the freedom to choose projects to work on, papers to write or practical training to have. One of the sides of internalization in Brussels education is shown in a double degree program with Haute Ecole Francіsco Ferrer. According to this program, students can study French for one year to get a foreign degree.
Keywords:content of multilingual education; language policy;  multilingualism; teacher training.


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