Pluzhnyk Iryna, Lecturer of Foreign Languages and Methodology Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 blv. I. Shamo, 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The article is devoted to the system of foreign language teacher training experience in the countries of Eastern Europe, especially Czech Republic and Poland. The priority ways of educational policy forming process for the educational space in Ukraine that is based on the Eastern Europe experience are determined in the article. Trends and aspects of International and European Cooperation between the Czech Republic and Poland in the International Educational Space are analyzed. The role of the «European dimension» in the process of foreign language teacher competence formation in Eastern European countries, in particular the Czech Republic and Poland according to the Eropean Union requirements, is considered in the article.The author highlights the importance of foreign language teacher formation in accordance with the modern European requirements. The main content of the foreign language teacher training process in the context of higher education in the Czech Republic and Poland is considered in the article. The stepbystep process of teachers’ foreign language teacher-student training is highlighted. Models of teacher’s foreign language competence formation, the potential use of this experience in the conditions of European integration of the Ukrainian educational space is analyzed. The author outlines the importance of European cooperation programs in the field of education, which highlights a motivational, methodological and practical basis for an effective foreign language teacher training system in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Key words: foreign language teacher training;  teacher foreign language competence formation, the Eastern European countries.


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