Solomakha Angelika, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 blv. I. Shamo, 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The article deals with the issues of the introduction of blended learning into the system of teacher training for early learning of foreign languages for preschool and junior high school students at the master’s level of higher education. Blended learning has been proven to be a modern and necessary form of organization of Masters education in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, given that in Ukrainian DHS and Higher Education Institutions there is a shortage of early language teaching teachers in foreign languages, and blended learning will enable them to train, enhance their qualifications or gain additional specialization without separation from the teaching staff of already working teachers. The author notes that blended learning is characterized by significant didactic capabilities and a variety of forms, methods and means of learning, their interactivity, various ways of interaction between subjects of the educational process and corresponds to the specificity of studying at the master’s level of education in higher education. Blended learning combines all the positive features of e-learning, distance learning and distance / distance learning.
Accordingly, the experience of using blended learning in the University of Education «Freiburg Pedagogical Higher School» in the process of preparing students of masters in the specialty «Methods of Early Learning Children in Foreign Languages» has been analyzed. The effectiveness of this form of organization of training for master’s level students in comparison with traditional forms used in higher educational establishments has been proved. A detailed description of the program of training of children with early childhood education in foreign languages is analyzed, their curriculum is analyzed. It is noted that graduates of this Master’s program can work not only English / French language teachers in kindergartens, early development centers and elementary schools, but also developers of educational materials and consultants of book publishing houses, editors of scientific journals of the corresponding profile, and also participate in scientific researches. and teach at universities.
Keywords: blended learning; early foreign language learning;  e−learning;  master level; training of teachers.


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