Labunets Yuliia, PhD in pedagogy, senior lecturer at Foreing Languages and Methodology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 blv. I. Shamo, 02154 Kiev, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


In the context of the up-to-date national education integration in the European and world educational space that becomes the central aim of our deducational policy, there is a need to train specialists capable of qualitative and effective foreign languages learning and in particular English in the context of modern trends and methodoloical opportunities. The article highlights the experience of Greece in the teachers` preparation for the early English language learning, taking into account the successful realities of the entry into the European educational space and the developments in the issuses solution relating to this process. Author emphasized wide-spread at current educational development stage use of both socio-cultural and intercultural approaches enriched for mastering linguistic and speech materials in impovement of foreign language competence as well as foreign culture. The article outlines the important characteristics of foreign teacher training for the purpose of competent methodological support of early English language education in the modern dimension such as free access to diverse information;  globalization of knowledge and access to international scientific and methodological databases; education throughout life; individual distribution of time, management of it; multicultural and multilingual societies; physical and virtual mobility; information management; use of information and communication technologies; self-education; several languages communicative competence; cooperation in a variety of industries etc.

Key words:  Greece;  intercultural communication;  English teachers` language training;  European educational space.


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