- №4, 2017
- Tarasenko Galyna
- Sokolova Iryna
- Ivaniuk Hanna
- Kalinichenko Nadiya
- Melnyk Nataliya
- Ivanitska Olga, Panchenko Alla, Panchenko Ganna
- Tymchuk Lyudmila
- Holota Nataliya
- Suheiko Lubov, Melnychuk Yuliia
- Spivakovska Eugenia, Kotkova Vіra
- Вabalich Victoria
- Dereka Tetiana
- Komisaryk Mariia, Balaieva Kateryna
- Petryk Lada
- Podcherniaieva Nataliia
- Valiuk Viktoriia
- Koshuk Oleksandr
- Marko Marina
- Kozak Luydmila
- Davidyuk Natalia, Oliynyk Maryia
- Loboda Olga
- Labunets Yuliia
- Solomakha Angelika
- Pluzhnyk Iryna
- Holovatenko Tetiana
- Perepeliuk Inna
- Zhang Xiaoxing
- Maievska Anastasiia
- Rakhmanova Oksana
- Усі сторінки
Сторінка 22 з 30
Loboda Olga, Senior Lecture, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 bul. I. Shamo, 02154 Kyiv, Ukraine, o.loboda@kubg,edu,ua
The main purposes of this article are to highlight Romanian positive experience of formation, reforming and developing of pedagogical education. A general overview of the main ways of forming teachers’ readiness of early English learning in pre-school and primary school education are presented. The modern various contemporary ways and innovative forms and factors that influence on the optimization of foreign-language educational process of pre-school and primary school students are considered. The modern practical methods of teaching English are presented in the article. Also the process and different periods of teachers’ training are described. British Council preparation experience in preparing teachers for early childhood education of pre-and primary school has been used. The special role of courses in teaching foreign languages and English in particular, in universities for masters and postgraduate students, because the program is fully or partially taught in these languages is headline. The basis for the development of the modern system of higher education in Romania is the National Strategy for Sustainable Development in Romania 2012 - 2020-2030 and the Strategy after accession to the EU for 2007 - 2013, which includes the problem of early language teaching. Finally, the author makes the conclusion about the Romanian experience in pedagogical education. The educational Romanian experience in forming teachers’ readiness of early English learning suggests that the educational trajectories of Romania are aimed at ensuring the European level of future teacher training, internationalization, life-long education, and the formation of self-education and self-education for students.
Key words: English language; European Union; foreign language teacher; foreign language training; preschool age; preschool education; preschool age; primary school age; primary school education; teacher’s training.
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