Davidyuk Natalia, Ph.D of Psychology, Associate Professor of Psychology Department, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 14 Rivnenska Str., 58004 Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Oliynyk Maryia, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor of Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool education Department, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 14 Rivnenska Str., 58004 Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


In this article the didactic models of the educational system of the countries of Eastern Europe, the principles of comparative-pedagogical research and the possibilities of modeling the domestic educational development are guided by the experience of the countries of Eastern Europe. The experience of the countries of Eastern Europe in organizing the content, forms and technologies of continuing teacher education is of particular interest since economic, political, social and technological transformations in these countries occur in roughly the same conditions as in Ukraine, albeit with some advance. Foreign researchers in different ways interpret the notion of models and modeling in higher education pedagogy, defining a model − as: a certain reflection, the image of a real object, which has a certain similarity to it in some respects; structures with simplification and distortion that reflect the original - its structure and functions; this is the degree of simplification (schematization) of the original − the object of modeling; in pedagogy the «model» is an artificially created object in the form of a scheme, physical constructions, sign forms or formulas, which, being similar to the object under study (or phenomenon), reflects and reproduces in a simpler and generalized form the structure, properties, interconnection and the relationship between the elements of this object; An imaginary or materially implemented system that reflects or reproduces the object of the research, and therefore, is able to change it so that its study will give us new information about the object.
Key words:  didactic models;  modeling of educational development;  model of specialist;  principles of comparative−pedagogical research.


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