- №4, 2017
- Tarasenko Galyna
- Sokolova Iryna
- Ivaniuk Hanna
- Kalinichenko Nadiya
- Melnyk Nataliya
- Ivanitska Olga, Panchenko Alla, Panchenko Ganna
- Tymchuk Lyudmila
- Holota Nataliya
- Suheiko Lubov, Melnychuk Yuliia
- Spivakovska Eugenia, Kotkova Vіra
- Вabalich Victoria
- Dereka Tetiana
- Komisaryk Mariia, Balaieva Kateryna
- Petryk Lada
- Podcherniaieva Nataliia
- Valiuk Viktoriia
- Koshuk Oleksandr
- Marko Marina
- Kozak Luydmila
- Davidyuk Natalia, Oliynyk Maryia
- Loboda Olga
- Labunets Yuliia
- Solomakha Angelika
- Pluzhnyk Iryna
- Holovatenko Tetiana
- Perepeliuk Inna
- Zhang Xiaoxing
- Maievska Anastasiia
- Rakhmanova Oksana
- Усі сторінки
The Bologna Reform Process brought a wide range of quality concerns into the central arena of higher education discourse. As quality assurance is a key structural reform in the EHEA, there is a need for a common framework for a quality assurance model. Quality Assurance processes were supposed to support an increased institutional attention. The proposed article describes the author’s vision of the European model of quality assurance in higher education. This paper has presented an overview and a brief literature review of the main aspects related to quality assurance in higher education. Taking into account the historical and contemporary context of educational policy, the main components of the European model of quality assurance in higher education are substantiated at the regional (European) level. The emphasis is on the value indicators of the quality assurance of higher education, as evidenced by conceptual markers.
The role of actors in shaping education policy in relation to the formation of a culture of quality has been specified. It is determined the impact of the BFUG, ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE in shaping European quality assurance through the development of educational policy and decision-conceptual documents. Key institutional stakeholders carrу out a variety of activities that are underpinned by the belief that the main responsibility for quality assurance lies within higher education institutions. Transparency instruments (accreditation, audit, benchmarking, evaluation, excellence) have been identified and characterized in the paper.This paper outlines the main quality assurance procedures in the European educational and scientific area (the European and national qualifications frameworks, learning outcomes, ECTS).
From the material presented in this paper, the following theme may require further attention: examining Quality Culture according to the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the Higher Education Area.
Keywords: educational policy; quality assurance model; quality assurance procedures; quality assurance tools; quality assurance; quality standards.
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