Podcherniaieva Nataliia, Graduate Student, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv national pedagogical university, 2 Valentinovskaja Str., 61168 Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.



In the article innovative potential of euroclub of general educational establishment as a children`s civic organization is exposed. School euroclub corresponds to aims of globalization and progress of modern society (Ukraine eurointegration processes) trends. It is based on the use of unconventional and interactive forms and methods of education; on development of critical and creative thinking, collaboration; on the receipt of knowledge about other cultures, creates an educational environment for acquisition of practical experience, that results in changes, that conduce to forming of personality with the planetary thinking, personality that is capable to understand itself, others and the whole world. Authorial determination of a concept «euroclub of general educational establishment» is given. It is found out, that the innovative value of school euroclub activity is predefined by the fact that it is based not on forcing of senior pupils to mastering of certain information, but on principles of voluntariness, freedom of choice, paying attention to one`s interests, capabilities and aspirations of personality.
Taking part in
aworkofeuroclubgivesaseniorpupilapossibilitytocarryoutafreechoiceofdirection,maintenance,methodsandformsofownactivity,extendspaceofcooperatingwithaworld, to understand better his/her unicity and originality, his/her possibilities, helps to develop meaningful traits of character, helps to enrich the experience of international communication. It is marked that every euroclub elects such forms of work, that answer its aim and tasks, independently. All forms of work of school euroclub can have both cognitive and entertaining characters. It has wide possibilities for forming and development of all of senior pupils` international communication culture tools and forming of a personal trait of senior pupil leadership, tolerance, initiativeness, persistence.
Key words: euroclub;  innovation;  potential of euroclub;  skills and competences of XXI century;  value.


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