Dereka Tetiana, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Physical Culture Theory and Methodology Department, Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, 87 Romenska Str., 40002 Sumy, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


There are peculiarities of the «physical education» specialty students’ motivation for the scientific and research work formation identified in the article. The factors influencing the choice of profession in the field of physical education and sport are described. The reasons induced «Physical education» specialty students  to choose the profession of a physical education teacher were identified, such as: the students’ desire to look sporty and to be physically active; a desire to be like a well-known athlete-idol; students perceived in themselves the dignity of pedagogical activity and had successes in the school of physical culture and sporting achievements. The peculiarities of students’ understanding the concepts of «self-education», «self-education» and «self-development» are studied.
The attitude of physical education specialty students to their professional growth through visiting students’ scientific and practical conferences, fitness conferences, trainings of professional and personal growth is studied. It has been revealed that 32.7% of the respondents attend the indicated scientific events; they are interested in new modern methods of teaching, training, improvement, expressing the desire to achieve professional mastership. It is revealed that 64.9% of respondents do not attend any scientific, practical or methodological conferences concerning the specialty.
It was established that: 43.4% of respondents buy professional literature, they are interested in new products in the professional industry; 56.6% of students do not buy any literature of their specialty at all. It was revealed that 5.6% of respondents buy professional literature on a regular basis, following new products in the professional market, they are interested in modern methods of physical education; and 94.4% buy literature concerning the specialty periodically, when there is an opportunity.
Key words: motivation; scientific and research work; self-improvement; higher educational institutions students; physical education.


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