Gordiichuk Svitlana, PhD, Associate Professor of Natural Sciences and Humanities Chair, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Communal Higher Educational Institution «Zhytomyr Nursing Institute», 46/15 Velyka Berdychivska Str., 10002 Zhytomyr, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.



The article scientifically proved effectiveness the quality management of educational activities in higher medical schools based on a process approach, which allows the latter to be competitive in a single educational space and to train highly qualified medical staff capable of progressive development. It is emphasized that the process management of an educational institution should be based on principles: improvement of the organizational structure of HMEI, constant improvement professional skill of scientific and pedagogical staff, informatization of the educational process, systematization of document circulation in the field of management and organization of the educational process, involving students and employers in the process of ensuring the quality of education, periodic updating and improvement of curricula and educational programs, evaluating the effectiveness of teachers and student, improving teaching and learning processes, planning and controlling the activities of the HMEI. Deals with the structure and activities of the scheme process quality management system institution that trains medical professionals (specialists). Investigated the formation of relationships between the level of existing knowledge at education institutions and the level of acquired knowledge and skills from the disciplines of natural, social, humanitarian and professional training (clinical) disciplines in students of medical college.

It is proved that the level of professional competences acquired by students depends on the level formation of general and special competencies.

Keywords:  level formation of professional competence;  management;  medical education;  process approach;  quality of educational activities.

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Gordiichuk, S. V. (2016, b). Yakist yak priorytetnyi napriam osvitnoi diialnosti medychnoho navchalnoho zakladu. [Quality as priority direction of educational activity of medical educational institution]. The official gazette of the Luhansk national university of T. Shevchenko (pedagogical sciences), 6(303), 100-107 (ukr).
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Hvatova, O. O., & Gordiychuk, S. V. (2017). Protsesnyi pidkhid v systemi upravlinnia yakistiu osvitnoi diialnosti vyshchoho medychnoho navchalnoho zakladu. [Process approach in the system of quality management educational activity of higher medical educational institution]. Proceedings of the International Сongress (ukr).
Gordiichuk, S. (2017). Principles of Implementing an Electronic Progress Log at Zhytomyr Nursing Institute KVNZ. Recent Advances in Systems, Control and Information Technology. Proceedings of International Conference SCIT 2016. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-48923-0 (eng).

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