Zakrevska Svitlana, PhD Researcher, Board Chair, Ukrainian Network for Education of Adults and Development of Innovation, 3/7 Dmytrievska Str., office 25, 01054 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

The article analyzes the problematic and essential characteristics of the category «recognition of adult non-formal education», which is studied as a part of adult education development. The theoretical aspects of this problem and its realization in the process of conducting international comparative projects in the field of non-formal adult education are considered. The article mainly focuses on the experience of Belgium, where the issue of recognition of the results of adult non-formal education in the early years of 21st century occupies a special place within the overall education system of this country. As European experience shows, recognition of non-formal education can play a significant role in the employment and career growth of an adult person, who is in the process of social transformation or seeks professional development.
The first step in the process of recognition is to provide a registar of qualifications that can be obtained trough non-formal education. The credibility of an adults qualifications with recognition ofnon-formal learning outcomes can be strengthened by simplifying certain aspects of the recognition process. The recognition process itself must demonstrate credible, transparent and consistent results. The goal of «recognition of adult non-formal education» is, first of all, to ensure the employment of a person, increase his/her qualifications, release from a certain part or all program of formal education and harmonize the acquired competence and qualifications with national standards of education. Social recognition of the qualifications required requires significant work on standards development.
Thus, the idea of «recognition» is always associated with the fact that this process is long, analytical, and the procedure itself, is significantly veries in different countries. Accordingly, the results of the acquired competency become objectively understandable, regardless of how the adults received their knowledge, skills and competencies.
Keywords:  Belgian experience in non-formal education;  development of adult education;  recognition of non-formal education;  recognition of non-formal education;  trends in the adult education development.

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