Krystopchuk Tatiana, EdD, Associate Professor, Professor of Social Sciences Department, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, 11 Soborna Str., 33000 Rivne, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The article substantiates the concept and scientific thesaurus of research on the development of pedagogical education in Poland. The concept of the study of the chosen problem, which is based on the priority of the monographic research and on the comparative, systemic, holistic, synergetic, and cultural approaches, is presented.
The author classifies the basic concepts of the research into three groups: concepts that reveal the theoretical foundations of the study of the development of pedagogical education; concepts that cover the structure of educational systems; concepts that define the structure and content of pedagogical education in the EU countries, in particular, in the Republic of Poland. A comparative analysis of the basic concepts of research used in European and national scientific discourse is carried out. It is shown that the content of the concept «education» in the domestic scientific space has been transformed and is now considered as a system of various educational institutions and establishments; pedagogical education is interpreted by native scholars as a specialized subsystem of the educational sphere, which envisages the training of pedagogical workers and thus provides an efficient educational sector.
It is noted that the concept «development trends» is considered as a priority trend in which the development of pedagogical education takes place in the context of educational, scientific, social and cultural changes in a rapidly changing society. It has been determined that in Polish researches, the most closely related to the content of «pedagogical education» in the domestic space is the concept of the totality of all higher education programs, after graduation of which graduates have the right to work as teachers.
Keywords:  content of educationcurriculumeducation;  educational levelspedagogical educationpostgraduate pedagogical education.

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