Hryshchuk Yuliia, Research Worker of Scientific-Research Laboratory of Educology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The article is devoted to the modern tendencies of the higher school development – the signing of the Pedagogical Constitution of Europe that will serve to be included of Ukrainian youth in European scientific, humanitarian and cultural space. The article focuses on the main provisions of the Pedagogical Constitution of Europe regarding the education teacher training programs; practices in professionaltraining ofteacher; main competencies that should have a teacher XXI century; academic mobility of teachers.

The adoption of the Pedagogical Constitution of Europe is fundamental importance for intensify educational reforms in Ukraine according to the challenges of European integration processes. By agreement of members of the Association of Rectors of pedagogical universities of Europe are envisaged next actions: general program development from the basic articles of the master training future teachers (history, philosophy, human rights, foundations of democracy) aimed at forming mental unity student - important features of the new teacher for a united Europe; training manuals («books to read» for students-teachers); creation of the Continental pedagogical university on territory of one of the countries of the European educational space.

Keywords:  Pedagogical Constitution of Europe;  professional training of teacher;  teacher.

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