- №3, 2017
- Hu Rongxi
- Xing Zhefu
- Koshil Oksana
- Hryshchuk Yuliia
- Kozak Luydmila
- Krystopchuk Tatiana
- Zakrevska Svitlana
- Gordiichuk Svitlana
- Batechko Nina
- Lozova Olga
- Zueva Larisa
- Synekop Oksana
- Vlasiuk Olena
- Kifenko Anna
- Pshenichnaya Natalya
- Komisaryk Mariia, Balaieva Kateryna
- Brushnevska Irina
- Tуtarenko Inna
- Pishchik Elena
- Red’ko Serhiy
- Chuiko Serhii
- Chernykh Olena
- Fingerman Orly
- Усі сторінки
Сторінка 23 з 24
Applicant at the Department of Social Pedagogy, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 1 Gogol Square, 92703 Starobilsk, Ukraine
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In the article the results of research on level of development of basic competencies of teenager’s safe online behavior are described. Among basic competencies «Understanding of the human rights concept in the Internet»; «Online participation»; «Personal health management during work with digital devices»; «Address for support and protection» are meant. Qualitative, quantitative and correlational analyses of teenager’s responses regarding their knowledge, skills and attitudes towards Internet use, experience of Internet use are reflected.
Keywords: address for support and protection; e-participation; human rights online; key competencies of teenager’s safe online behavior.
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