Xing Zhefu, PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Oriental Languages and Translation at the Institute of Philology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
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The essence and structure of adaptation of foreign students to study in higher educational institutions of Ukraine is defined in the article, which is characterized as a process of active adaptation of students to a new socio-cultural and educational environment. Characteristics of the pedagogical support of foreign students in the process of adaptation to the teaching in the universities of Ukraine are described, which is understood as a system of interaction between subjects of educational activity aimed at helping foreign students overcome a set of biological, psychological, pedagogical and social problems associated with interaction with a new socio-cultural and educational Environment to ensure a high level of adaptation. The model of pedagogical support of foreign students in the process of adaptation to training in universities of Ukraine as a system of scientifically grounded methods of influencing students is provided. It provides for a continuous increase in the adaptive capacity of foreign students on the basis of their inclusion in the process of professionally personal self-development, the consistent formation of qualities significant for mastering a new life situation. There is a model from the target, content-technological, monitoring and performance blocks, is based on a complex of methodological approaches: systemic, humanistic, synergetic, axiological, personal-oriented, environmental. The main positions of scientists on the pedagogical conditions of the successful implementation of the model of pedagogical support of foreign students in the process of adaptation to the teaching in the universities of Ukraine are presented. Pedagogical conditions of the effective organization of pedagogical support of foreign students in the process of adaptation to training in Ukrainian universities are analyzed, namely: the training of the pedagogical collective for work in the conditions of pedagogical support of foreign students; Creation of a multicultural social and pedagogical environment aimed at the organization of intercultural dialogue, the formation of tolerant relations.

Keywords:  adaptation;  аdaptation of foreign students;  model;  pedagogical conditions;  pedagogical support;  training.

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