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Pishchik Elena, Research Intern, State Higher Educational Institution «University of Education Management» NAPS of Ukraine; Deputy Director on Educational Work, the Highest Category Teacher Specialist, Teacher-Methodist, State Vocational-Technical Educational Institutions «Chernihiv Center for Vocational Education», 7-a Kozatska Str., 14037 Chernigiv, Ukraine,
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The article considers the problem of readiness to development of communicative culture as the concept of professional culture of heads of vocational training institutions. The basic approaches to understanding their relationship and defining the essence of communicative culture in the management of the school as a major component of effective development of the head.
Theoretical analysis of determination of essence of communicative culture and the characteristics of managerial activities of head of the educational institution allowed us to determine that the communicative culture of the head is an integral part of a professional and managerial culture, challenging personal growth, is a dynamic system of knowledge about cultural norms and rules, the public accepted models of interaction, communication and exchange of information.
The development of professional identity in the study is considered as a complex system consisting of several components, one of which is communicative readiness and professional communication is its subsystem.
The essence of development of communicative culture is an independent part of the whole training, and then the understanding of readiness for professional communication integrates with the training Manager. That is, the relationship professional and communicative culture of the personality is seen through the prism of the structure of postgraduate training.
Keywords: communicative culture; communicative readiness; head of vocational educational institutions; professional communication; professional culture; professional work.
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