Brushnevska Irina, Senior Lecturer, East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, 13 Volya Ave., 43025 Lutsk, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The study the main components of the children’s speech activity are of a great importance at the present stage of the special pre-school pedagogy development. Scientists use the latest scientific data about the psycholinguistic structure of speech activity, its psychological mechanisms. The problem of forming the communicative component of children’s speech activity in dysontogenesis are analyzed in a small number of works in the field of speech therapy (L. Andrusyshyna, J. Ribcun, E. Sobotovich, W. Tishchenko and others). It confirms the relevance of further research in this field.
The author of this article presents the results of the experimental research in cognitive processes development, namely perception and awareness of five years old children with GSI (General Speech Impairment). He analyzes and characterizes the violation mechanisms and indicates their interdependence. The author notes that the auditory attention limitation and the auditory control limitation can cause the hearing impairment and can be one of the reasons of insufficient speech development of five years old children with GSI. Quite high indicators of visual memory amount of the preschool children are an important prerequisite of the figurative thinking formation. However, the research revealed the insufficient amount of spontaneous and long-term memorization (visual and auditory), which is caused by the left brain hemisphere dysfunction of children with GSI, the imperfection of the procedures such as spatial analysis and synthesis and the probabilistic forecasting. It denotes that the identified deficiencies are one of causes of the deficient development of speech activity of a mentioned children’s category. We will work out the methodological content of the communicative component formation of five years old children with GSI on the basis of these results.
Keywords:  five years old children;  General Speech Impairment;  memory;  research;  speech activity.
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