Pshenichnaya Natalya, Teacher, Berdyansk Economics and Humanities College, 13/2West Ave., 71100 Berdyansk, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

In accordance with the state standard of basic and complete secondary education, the educational branch of «Technology» forms a technically and technologically educated personality that is prepared for life and active labor activity in the conditions of modern society. Profile education allows to improve the quality of education and to maximally take into account the interests and abilities of students, prepare them for a meaningful choice of profession. To implement the basic provisions of the Concept of Professional Education, higher education institutions should carry out training of specialists able to meet the needs of a modern school. Essential to the professional development of the future teacher of labor training and technology is the study of fundamental disciplines, among which an important role belongs to chemistry. It can be concluded that the teaching of discipline «Chemistry» is appropriate for the training of professionals 014 Secondary Education (Labor training and technology).  Analysis of the content of school curricula reveals that that in preparing future teachers of chemistry technologies need to consider issues relating to atomic structure, periodic update knowledge of the law, to deepen understanding of the chemical and physical properties of metals to non-metals.  It is necessary to deepen the knowledge about the classification of inorganic and organic substances, solutions, redox reactions, questions electrochemistry, energy chemical reactions, the rate of chemical reactions. It is advisable to familiarize students with issues of chemical engineering. Indicative content of the discipline «Chemistry» for future teachers of technology discovered in his work.  The specifics of teaching methods and effectiveness are the subject of further research and will be presented in the following publications.
Keywords:  basic disciplines;  chemistry;  labor training;  specialized education;  professional competence;  technology;  training future teachers.
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