Kifenko Anna, Lecturer of University College, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudryavska Str., 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The article shows the research results of the criteria and levels of building music aural activity in prospective music teachers at the lessons of a training choir. The author accepts the general structure of music aural activity, encompassing interconnection and interaction of motivation and value, acoustic and physiological as well as creative and performing components. The methods of estimating the given indicators have been substantiated. We have studied the motives, underlying choristers’ views, preferences and their music and aesthetic tastes. All of them determine the substance of their professional and social competence, the main pivot and the core of a personality, thus forming the contents of motivation and value sphere of participants in a training choir as one of the basic criteria of its music performing competence. There have been described the techniques of estimating all indicators of building music and aural activity.
The high level of mature MAA points to the chorister’s ability to perform the correct and conscious self-analysis and clarifies itself by the skill to name precisely his/her music and performance mistakes and to correct most of them. A student with an average level of mature MAA is characteristic of performing an incomplete self-analysis, conveying the ability to show his/her mistakes partly and correct them in the same partial way, i.e. only the purity of intonation or only the accuracy of a rhythmic pattern. The rest of mistakes are shown by the choir’s director. The student explains the reason of the following mistake, but not always correctly, as there is no interconnection between his performance and self-analysis. Students with a low level of building MAA are characteristic of an insufficient self-analysis, expressing itself in their disability to find and correct music performing mistakes, made during singing and relating to the purity of intonation, the accuracy of metro-rhythm, the dynamics variety and the correct diction and articulation.
Keywords:  choir;  music aural activity;  music pedagogy prospective;  music teacher.
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