Yevtushenko Natalia, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Methodology Department, Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after K. D. Ushinsky,
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The article is of an overview nature and is devoted to the consideration of the practice of organizing postgraduate education of teachers in the Republic of Poland. The duties, qualification requirements for modern teachers of Poland are described. The possibilities for the professional development and improvement of Polish educators are determined. The author focuses attention on the importance of the organization of postgraduate education of teachers as one of the links in long life education, which makes a significant contribution to the modernization of education and the professional training of teachers. A description of specific features of the organization, such as specific tasks, functions and activities of teacher’s postgraduate education in these three areas is provided.

In particular, in modern Poland the education of teachers in the postgraduate period is carried out in higher schools, centers for lifelong education, training centers and centers for retraining and professional development. There are out-of-school, in-school training and self-education. Particular attention in the article is given to the types and forms of the organization of teachers’ postgraduate education. It is carried out in three directions: self-education, postgraduate education, and in-school teacher training. Extracurricular forms of continuous education include: postgraduate education, in-service teacher training, courses of general competences.

The organization of teachers’ postgraduate training in modern working conditions provides mastering modern innovative technologies of training, the possibility of mastering of additional competencies and qualifications. The modern concept of Polish pedagogical education recognizes the multiplicity and complementarities between the various competences of the teacher. In attempts to identify and describe the competences of teachers, the most frequently used ones are communicative, social, creative (innovation), pragmatic (ability to manage), managerial (realization-methodological and evaluative), informative, and of self-education. Future specialists are mastering all these competencies mostly during the university education. Equally important for the development, improvement of the teachers’ competence and raising the level of their qualification is postgraduate pedagogical education, where the progressive harmonious development of teacher's personality continues.

Thus, the system of teachers' postgraduate education in modern Poland is of a public-state nature. It is variable and flexible and is built taking into account the diverse needs of teachers in long life education (training, employment, professional development, professional retraining, etc.).

The information presented may be of interest to specialists in the field of continuing education, vocational training, and comparative pedagogy.

Keywords:  competence;  education;  knowledge;  postgraduate teacher training in the Republic of Poland;  qualification;  teacher.


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