- №2, 2017
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Durdas Alla
- Batechko Nina
- Zagorodnya Alla
- Yevtushenko Natalia
- Ovcharenko Natalia
- Lakoza Natalia
- Mospan Nataliya
- Verbenets Anna
- Valenkevych Olga
- Petrenko Natalia
- Kasilov Ivan
- Tomashevsky Volodymyr
- Ovsiienko Liudmyla
- Gaidai Irina
- Zamkova Natalia, Voinarovska Natalya
- Synekop Oksana
- Ivanitska Olga, Panchenko Alla, Panchenko Ganna
- Kulyk Olena
- Aleksandrova Valentina
- Brovko Kateryna
- Xiaoxing Zhang
- Fingerman Orly
- Усі сторінки
Zagorodnya Alla, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Professional Education and Educational Institution Management Department, Interregional Academy of Personnel, 2 Frometivska Str., 03039 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
The study considers the main approaches to the modeling of professional training of specialists of the economic branch in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and Poland. The property Information of socio-economic educational systems (emergence, uncertainty, dynamism, ability, active response) presented. The significance of the conditions (adequacy, completeness, flexibility, labor intensity) of the process of modeling educational systems determined. The features of the model of a specialist according to the Bologna process and UNESCO documents revealed. The main features of the model of professional training offered by Polish scientists determined. The significance of approaches (competence, holistic, activity, synergistic and methodological), brought by Ukrainian researchers in the training of specialists in the economic field, revealed. The approaches are proposed by Polish researchers on modeling professional training of specialists in the economic field (conceptual activity, values and target orientation, predictability and activity, personality-oriented, situational and optimization) highlighted. The stages of professional training of specialists of the economic field in higher educational institutions of Poland determined. General requirements for models of professional training of specialists from the point of view of Polish researchers are given. The general and distinctive principles (forecasting, gradualness, normalization, feedback, productivity, cultural analogy, self-development) determined in the process of pedagogical modeling according to the views of domestic and Polish researchers.
Keywords: model; modeling; Poland; professional training; specialists in the economic field; Ukraine.
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