Batechko Nina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Scientific-Research Laboratory of Educology, BorysGrinchenkoKyivUniversity, 13-b Tymoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The main tendencies of the teaching of higher school teachers in Great Britain are examined in the article: the impact of modern transformational processes in Europe on them, the change in the paradigm of their training and accreditation. The specifics of the training and professional development of teachers of the British higher school are grounded. The possible directions of the introduction of the British experience of teaching teachers of higher educational institutions in the higher school of Ukraine are determined.

In the article the main tendencies in training of higher school teachers at the present stage of development of higher education in Great Britain have been considered. The influence of modern European transformation processes on higher education in the UK as a whole and the training of specialists in the educational sector in particular have been traced; the changes in the paradigm of training and accreditation of teaching staff of the British higher school have been examined. The main stages of the formation of the British educational accreditation institutions and their influence on the reform of higher school of Great Britain have been considered. The specifics of the training and professional development of teachers at the British universities have been highlighted on the grounds of a large-scale introduction of accreditation and qualification standards in the UK. The features of continuous professional development of the teaching staff of the higher school of Great Britain and their methodical preparation have been considered. Attention has been focused on the advantages of an interdisciplinary approach in training of higher school teachers in the UK. The possible areas of introduction of Britain’s experience in training of teachers of higher educational institutions in the Ukrainian higher school have been determined.

Keywords:  high school teacher;  professional training;  trends.


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