- №2, 2017
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Durdas Alla
- Batechko Nina
- Zagorodnya Alla
- Yevtushenko Natalia
- Ovcharenko Natalia
- Lakoza Natalia
- Mospan Nataliya
- Verbenets Anna
- Valenkevych Olga
- Petrenko Natalia
- Kasilov Ivan
- Tomashevsky Volodymyr
- Ovsiienko Liudmyla
- Gaidai Irina
- Zamkova Natalia, Voinarovska Natalya
- Synekop Oksana
- Ivanitska Olga, Panchenko Alla, Panchenko Ganna
- Kulyk Olena
- Aleksandrova Valentina
- Brovko Kateryna
- Xiaoxing Zhang
- Fingerman Orly
- Усі сторінки
Fingerman Orly, student of 3 ZK group, psycho-pedagogy faculty, National Pedagogical University of M. P. Dragomanov, 8/14 Turgenivska Str., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The author considers the essence of Patriotic education and correction of mentally retarded children of preschool age by means of Museum pedagogy, the relevance and necessity of education, starting from preschool age. In the article the role of Museum pedagogy in education of preschool educational institution and the influence of the Museum environment education and correction of the personality of children of preschool age have been analyzed. Notice that the idea of patriotism is feeling of love for the Motherland. By studying that the concept of «Motherland» is a global concept that includes all conditions of life: territory, climate, the nature, the organization of social life, language and lifestyle. It means to be a patriot. To feel an integral part of the Fatherland. Determine that it is a difficult feeling arises in the preschool age children it's a foundation of the axiological attitude to the world. But like any other feeling, patriotism is independent and individual to each. It is directly connected with spirituality of the man, its deep. A defectologist noticed, not being a patriot, can not in child to awaken to feel love of country. It is to awaken, not to impose, as the basic of patriotism lies in spiritual self-determination. That's why there was a need to return to the best traditions of our people, to our roots, to such eternal concepts as gender, race, homeland. An experimental study of the algorithm for the formation and correction of personality of children of preschool age through the creation of the Museum's space in the DOE.
Keywords: correction of personality; mentally retarded children; mini-Museum; Museum education; Museum space; patriotic upbringing; preschool education; upbringing of personality.
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