- №2, 2017
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Durdas Alla
- Batechko Nina
- Zagorodnya Alla
- Yevtushenko Natalia
- Ovcharenko Natalia
- Lakoza Natalia
- Mospan Nataliya
- Verbenets Anna
- Valenkevych Olga
- Petrenko Natalia
- Kasilov Ivan
- Tomashevsky Volodymyr
- Ovsiienko Liudmyla
- Gaidai Irina
- Zamkova Natalia, Voinarovska Natalya
- Synekop Oksana
- Ivanitska Olga, Panchenko Alla, Panchenko Ganna
- Kulyk Olena
- Aleksandrova Valentina
- Brovko Kateryna
- Xiaoxing Zhang
- Fingerman Orly
- Усі сторінки
Brovko Kateryna, Ph.D student, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13 b Tymoszenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The study describes approaches to modeling of the process formation of corporate culture students of higher education institution and its structural components. Reveals the intrinsic characteristics of the concepts of «model», «modeling», «corporate culture», «corporate culture of higher educational institution». The characteristic traits of functioning of the corporate culture of educational institutions analyzed. The structural elements of the model of corporate culture of students, such as a system of material and spiritual values, predictions, beliefs, expectations, norms and style of behavior obtained. The information is presented of regarding the types of models (prognostic, conceptual, instrumental, structural, model of monitoring, reflexive, and functional) and features of their use in the pedagogical research. The classification of model of the corporate culture by: form a reflection of reality, the subject of research, stack of research, the nature of phenomena properties of mapping degree of accuracy, volume means of expression. The essence of model of the corporate culture of student youth by E. Shane according to the three levels: the artifacts internalized values, basic understanding. The features of the three-tier model of the corporate culture of higher educational institution by G. Hayet disclosed. The constituent elements of the model of the corporate culture of higher educational institution by G. Johnson, and also the constituent elements the corporate culture of the higher educational institution by O. Andominym. Specific features of the functioning of models of the corporate culture of higher education institution delineated.
Keywords: corporate culture; higher education institution; modeling; model of the corporate culture.
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