Aleksandrova Valentina, Senior lecturer in Ukrainian, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Timoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The article reveals the content component of the extracurricular work on the Ukrainian language in the 8th and 9th forms of the general educational institution, namely, activities that are specially practiced outside of the hour, which have their own meaning, but are not always provided for in the curriculum: interesting information about the language from vocabulary, phraseology, stylistics; Familiarization with dictionaries, reference books; the development of the literary language; Questions of origin of names, surnames, geographical names, study of toponymy of settlements, districts, cities, regions; Collection of material on linguistic phenomena; Specific forms, methods and methods of carrying out this work aimed at stimulating students' interest in learning the subject. Tasks of extracurricular work in the process of teaching the Ukrainian language are to expand, deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons of the language, improve spelling, punctuation and stylistic skills, improve the student's speech culture, activate mental and creative abilities, create an intelligent background that favors a conscious and deep Assimilation of educational material; Education initiative, independence, creativity, interest in the subject; Promoting the all-round development of the individual. Highlighted linguistic and socio-cultural segments in a meaningful component of extracurricular activities that encourage independent monitoring of language, promote the formation of students' conception of language as a dynamic system, which is constantly evolving.

Keywords:  class worklinguistic and socio-cultural segments substantial component of extracurricular activitiessocio-cultural competence of students;  substantial component of extracurricular activities on the Ukrainian language;.


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